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 As the sun started to set, the group decided to find a new safe house. It was bigger & it had stuff to make smores. So they all sat around & decided to talk about what happened. It has been 2 weeks inside the game. So Nico spoke first, "I couldn't breathe. It was all too real. Are we done playing this thing yet? I just want to leave." Jimin went over to her & hugged her, saying, "This is hard for all of us, but do we really want to leave? I can be myself without having paparazzi questioning my every move. We rarely get to act like normal people." Nico looked at him & whispered, "Tomorrow is the anniversary of my brother leaving me, I want to spend it with my friend. She is the only person who understands me." Jimin grabs her hand & leads her to another room. "I understand you. But I don't know you. You don't let me in here," he says pointing to her heart. "I just want to hug you. You are perfect in my eyes, you make me feel alive. I know your not my soulmate because soulmates leave eventually. But, I have seen you before. In my dreams. My future." Jimin cupped Nico's hand while she was getting teary-eyed. "I want to discover your secrets. I want to open up your mind & put thoughts of only me in here. I want to know your family, your life, your everything." Nico looked at him & said, "If you want to learn, you won't stay. No one does. My friend is only with me because we aren't accepted in this world." Jimin then looked so frustrated & said, " Let me in! I won't leave you. I can't. You have always been a part of me, I know it."

Nico looked up at him (since he's taller than her) & said, "Fine. My name is Min Nicholas. My half brother left me to pursue music even though we were a team. I always knew a friend who saw a little kid murdered in front of her. She suffers from hallucinations & insanity. Her cousin still loves her. He always sends her a gucci outfit once a month *laughs* & says, 'you need to look good for when you take over the world, just leave Mars for me.' I have never dated anyone in my life. My parents just taught me how to fight people & talk my way out of problems. I always played music to try to stay human. My eyes have only seen pain & heart ache. I want to be someone special, but people leave. I was supposed to be a boy. My birth dad & birth mom didn't want me. My birth was from an affair between an Australian agent & a mafia Leader. My brother doesn't know we don't share the same mom. I have been beat. I only get tattoos that have a hidden meaning. No one knows about them & I don't even know why I am telling you this. Why am I saying this much? It took Lena a whole month to get this stuff out of me & you just get it in less th-" Jimin cupped her face & pressed her lips to her. She was a stone, frozen. No one had ever shown this much love to her. EVER. Then, she kissed back, hesitant & delicately. Jimin felt euphoric, he was receiving love for who he was as well. She tasted like caramel, butterscotch, & ginger ale(what i taste from Butterbeer). Then he pulled away & said, "Your perfect, I love you. I want to be the friend you fall in love with over, over, & over again." Then, he left. Later that night, Nico stayed up wondering what the hell just happened. & why was she so flustered?

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