Level 8

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 The 8 watched the campsite burn to the ground in shock. This was their home. But, it was Nico who realized, all good things must come to an end. Picking up her sword, she charged towards the direction of the fireball's origin. Realizing her plan, the boys followed with weapons raised.

When they reached their destination, a man was there. He had burn marks all over his skin, black eyes, a giant black sword, & a fire crown with a singular diamond heart in the middle sitting upon his head. Nico & Yoongi locked eyes, giving each other a silent message that this was the reason for all the destruction.

Taehyung noticed the dragon flying about them, he saw pain & a flicker of fear in the animal's eyes. He knew that was the source of the magical land they were in. He immediately charged toward the villain with pure rage in his eyes. The villain just looked at him & tsked, "You know," he started. "It's always best to learn the name of your enemy before you kill them. My name is Crede & I would like you to die right now." With that, Crede charges forward with his sword raised.

Nico charges back & successfully blocks a hit from Crede. The 2 blocked & parried each other while the 7 boys fought the army that Crede brought. Taehyung, Jimin, & Hoseok worked on curing the animals while Yoongi, Namjoon, Seokjin, & Jeongguk fought the people. As the battle raged on, the 8 heroes were gaining more strength & wins. After what appeared to be 5 days of fighting, the war grounds cleared. All that was left were the bodies of the ruthless army & Crede's Fire Crown.

The animals had left the scene the second they were cured. While the 7 boys were celebrating & trying to find a new campground, Nico was putting the crown in her bag. Namjoon came back around sunset saying he found a campsite by a statue of a diamond dragon that was missing a heart. The gang went over, set up camp, & prepared food to celebrate their victory. As they were celebrating, an earthquake shook the entire land. Nico looked to the boys & said, "How do we save this world?"

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