The Happy Couples

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It had been 1 year since everything went down. SOPE is still alive & well. Yoongi has been cooped up in his beautiful studio making songs. Hoseok was with Jimin & Jungkook looking up choreography. Yoongi has seen tweets on Twitter(honestly, we know they probably stalk our twitter a bit sometimes) how Hobi would probably find a way to propose first. He knew That wouldn't happen(this is just my opinion please don't get mad at me.) so he began to work on a proposal for Hoseok that the whole group will sing. He decided to call Namjoon for advice for the song. "Yeah?" namjoon answered form the safety of his phone in his studio(cause producer Yoongi is low key kinda scary if you cross him in my opinion). "What do you need help with, Yoongi-Hyung?" "I just had an idea for a song to use & propose to Hobi with. Can you bring the team over so we can make it happen before the album deadline hits?" "Yoongi-Hyung, I'll tell everyone to get there but I still need to finish my song for Jin-Hyung, so can I come in abit late?" A sigh is heard coming from Yoongi, "Fine. But only because I know you will come." "Ok thank you Hyung. I'll call Pdogg, Jung Bobby, Jordan Young, Candace Nicole Sosa, Hobi, Ray Michael Djan, Ashton Foster, & to tell them you have your idea." Yoongi hung up & started to compose(if he didn't I'm really sorry) his song.

A couple minutes passed till he finally remembered to go meet up with the rest of the writers. As he gets there he remembers. He hasn't come up with a name for the song yet. Then he remembers something about the game he entered something from Jibun o dakishimeru/Dangsin jasin-eul poyoghada. The game taught everyone how to love theirselves. So he came up with the name as he entered the studio. "Alright. So we have a song I'm almost done with. I just need you all to fix anything then we can start recording the song." The team looked excited & got to work. So, the members of BTS left to finish their own songs as well.

EL TIME SKIP(cause I'm a bit lazy)

It's has been a couple weeks & Hoseok is the only person left to record his solo portion of the song. So he goes into the studio. But Yoongi is the only one in there, asleep. Surprised, Hoseok decides to go up to the sleeping Yoongi. Once Yoongi has been awoken, Hoseok steps back & Yoongi realizes that this is his chance. Yoongi looks at Hoseok & get on one knee. "Jung Hoseok, you have taught me how to love. You have accepted me despite my faults. While you are the sun, I will always be the moon. & wish you would accept me as your one & only from now on. Jung Hoseok, will you marry me?" Hoseok was so happy, especially because the ring was simple & something they saw at a jewelry store when traveling on tour but he couldn't get. He stated tearing up & nodded. "Yes Yoongi. I would love to marry you." They hugged then Yoongi said, "Alright. Now let's record your part then tell everyone else."

Meanwhile, Namjoon was pacing back & forth. He knew he only had 2 chances to try it out. He just didn't know which day to do. Then it hit him, he doesn't need something flashy. So he put his ring in his pocket & called Seokjin. "Hey Jin-Hyung, can you come over?"

As Seokjin finally saw Namjoon, he noticed Namjoon in one knee. With the song Namjoon just finished making coming to a close, Seokjin moved closer to Namjoon. Then Namjoon said the closing line. "You know... You were always mean to be... Destined... I hope you feel the same with me... Love." With those words he then launched into his speech. "Kim Seokjin, I have never felt this way about anyone. You have helped me raise the members which made, I think, our bond become something unbreakable. I don't feel complete without you. I only wish you could keep me in your heart till the end. Will you marry me?" Seokjin looked at Namjoon for a couple seconds, processing what was said to him.

Flustered, Namjoon began stuttering, "But if you want to not marry me I-I mean it's fine I guess. I actually didn't think this through. I just wanted you to know how much I love you & if we can treasure each other until we grow old. But I mean if you-" Seokjin cut him off saying, "Of course I'll marry you." The two embraced & then Seokjin rapped Namjoon's nose. "So, how come the ring didn't break in your hand?" Namjoon chuckled at the joke then said, "Because the destruction powers knew it was to precious to be destroyed." Then Namjoon realized that Yoongi was planning on proposing to Hoseok today. "Come on Seokjin. Let's see if Hoseok said yes."

So the 2 men went to the recording studio. But they bumped into Yoongi & Hoseok. They looked at the rings then laughed. The 2 couples felt so happy that this was happening. Then Yoongi mentioned something. "Shouldn't we announce that we are married now? You know because we kinda have to. We promised ARMYs that we would tell them if anything changes & we also just kinda have to tell them. It's part of being an idol. Plus they support us no matter what." Namjoon nodded & said, "Let's go tell our managers. Then we can help Taehyung & Jungkook propose. I know they need help with that."

So the now happily engaged couple went to their manager. Who happily agreed with their decision & let them release the statement themselves. Which of course only got praise. There was some hate, but it didn't phase the 4. They were happy. That's all that mattered. 


Hey, SO we have 3 more chapters left. I can't wait & i hope this will be the ending you all will enjoy

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