Lena meets Jungkook(Hello Chaos)/She's like...

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(PS I know nothing about Yoongi's Parents, this is fanfiction & NOT real.)

In the kitchen, the tension is so thick, not even a whole firework show & nuclear bombs couldn't even cut through or leave a scratch. "So", Lena started. "Why did you abandon the most pure & perfect person to be taken away from a perfect world to one of violence & pain? Do you know how many panic attacks she had because of you?" By now, Lena was shouting & crying at the same time. "She gave up so much for me & was there for me throughout everything." By now Lena was just crying. Jeonguk, who knew it was best not to say anything, realized how much Lena cared for Nico. So he spoke up, "Lena, did you ever think that Yoongi-Hyung left Nico to try to help her?"

Lena had stopped crying as much & looked up to Jeonguk. "Jeonguk-ssi," she started. "You don't understand what happened. After Yoongi left, her parents kicked her out. She moved in with me & my family, but she was enlisted in a mafia gang to pay off a debt, she never killed anyone, thank g-d. But she was traumatized by that. After paying off the debt, she turned in the gang & was paid generously. We used that to make our channel more high tech. She has been through so much. So don't tell me that Yoongi left her for a reason." Yoongi then spoke up, "I left so she could be a better performer. I knew I was holding her back." Lena was fuming but she was able to say this, "So leaving makes her a better person, I don't believe your BS." She then left to go to her room.

"Jeonguk." Stated Yoongi. "Yes, Yoongi-Hyung?" "Go comfort her. She will need it." "Yes Hyung." So Jeonguk started to walk up the stairs to Lena's room. He saw the door that said 'Lena's Room (Nico give me back my fuzzy blanket! Grrr. :|)' & giggled. She wasn't a terrifying female who would chase him & steal his Downy™ from him. So he knocked on her door. "Lena?" He started, being a timid bunny. "It's Jeonguk, you looked upset. So I thought you would like some hugs." Then, he heard her small voice, "Yes. I would like that." So he came in.

To say the girl before him was a total 180 from the girl who ragged on Yoongi was a total understatement. Lena was not looking so ferocious but rather so heartbroken that Jeonguk was shooketh. "Lena, why did you go off on Yoongi-Hyung like that?" Lena looked up at him, & the little bunny boy went to such a state of blush, he blended in with her red walls. Lena responded in a tone that sounded very upset, "He left his little sister. Anyone who does that is just awful. I may be a bit of a heartless bitch, but at least I don't leave behind my family. They leave me."

Jeonguk was shocked. Who would leave this girl? Then he remembered what Taehyung had said. 'She was raped & has seen murders.' Then he realized, she was unique & strong. "Your wrong," he stated. "Just because you have been through so much doesn't give them an excuse to leave you." Lena hugged him from shock & so much affection. She never truly knew love & this was the third person to just be affectionate.

She stared to wipe her tears after pulling away from the hug says, "Okay, let's go talk to the midget." So they head down stairs, hands intwined.

She went up to Yoongi, who was now with everyone else. Hoseok was cuddling Yoongi to try & soothe the angry cat. Taehyung was looking at Lena with a bit of worry because her eyes were still red from crying. Namjoon & Seokjin were just cuddling. Jimin & Nico were just sitting there. When Nico noticed Lena's eyes, she rushed over to her & hugged her. "It's all okay love, I'm here." Nico whispered while rubbing her back. Yoongi was starting to get impatient & decided to speak, "So, what is my sister like?" Lena moved to the loveseat, pulling Nico onto her lap. Jeonguk sat next to Jimin & jokingly whispered, "Your girl will get stolen by my future wife." Jimin slapped the back of Jeonguk's head saying, "Your never gonna get her to like you if you act all macho. Nico told me she prefers sweet guys. So don't fake anything."

Lean snuggled her face into Nico's, only to get elbowed in the gut by Nico. She pulled away. "So," she started off. "How do I describe my sweet baby Nics? Well she is an angel sent from heaven-" Nico cur her off jokingly saying, "Um, actually I crawled out from the depths of Hell." Only to get shushed by Lena. "Let me continue Nico, I have to embarrass the blush out of you & you don't blush easily. Now where was I? Oh yes. Nico is an angel. She was there for me when no one else was. She is such a sweet person & her voice can cure cancer. You can't have a bad day with her. Her tattoos make her look big, tough, & scary but at the end of the day she just wants cuddles. She makes sure no one talks bad about me. She makes sure I eat. Everyday she also goes with me to my friends grave where we BOTH pay our respects. She has never gotten mad at me. She also has tiny hands. She is so supportive of anyone & everyone. Her angel wings were actually torn off her back. I honestly would be dead without her. Is that what you wanted to know Yoongi-ssi?"

Yoongi was shocked but nodded. Lena finally looked at Nico & then burst out laughing. "Hahahaha! Nics you're so red!" Shouted Lena. Nico jumped away & said, "Well yeah, you don't do this stuff! What am I supposed to do?" The 2 girls just stared at each other. Then they laughed. "Omigawd, you look so confused. I look confused? Look at you! You look like someone took your fuzzy blanket & then said it was yours. Speaking of, give mine back!" The 2 spoke at the same time. 

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