2 The Label

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    After that day I couldn't stop thinking about being Nick's girlfriend, and no one knew except us two. At the cafeteria also known as the Sacred Heart Commons I couldn't resist telling one person and her name was Suki short for Sukhaina and she told me she wouldn't tell anybody, which I believed, but then she told the person next to her which was Mia and she gasped and then Mia told Martha and Martha told the entire table, and Martha was the bully of the 6th grade. Martha was short not scary but rude, curly hair, and really sucks at school and her best friend was Jasmin Grande. After half a day the entire group of 6th grade girls knew and were saying "Perla has a boyfriend" and no one really knows Nick because its been a few days of school. I already got a name and the combination of Perla and Nicholas was hard to come up with like Nerla and Picholas. I chose to be Pichol and Nick was Nickel and together were Picholas .A lot of people asked what do I see in him and that he is ugly and I said "I like his personality, he was nice, adorable, sweet, caring, and funny. I was known as Nicholas's girlfriend. We were the first couple in the 6th grade. Nicholas was known as my boyfriend. The label didn't bother me, but a lot of people didn't like him. They always complained that I was out of his league and that he doesn't deserve me, but I was really getting annoyed, so instead I made myself look bad and I made a ponytail and took hair out from the sides of my face and I let people start complaining about me so they would shut up about saying everything they think is wrong with Nicholas. Nicholas has a lot of friends and they weren't in the same grade. Most of them were older and they thought I was a nice person and they never said anything bad about me unlike my friends. At the time I was nerdy and shy. I didn't like to talk much and all the girls said "So you are shy, yet you can tell a boy that you like him, and they can never do the same" and I said "Its easy if you really like him."After a few more days it was my birthday and I decided I didn't want anyone to know, but I told Jasmin because she was honestly a good friend even though she was rude sometimes and the bullies best friend. I told Nick as well because he should know and I also needed to know his and it turns out we have the same day which was 16 but different month. I also didn't know how to spell Nick's real name, but I knew him for a year and we go to karate together at Tiger Schulman's Mixed Martial Arts or TSMMA and I saw his name on his gloves, so I already knew who he was before we even started dating. Then, it has been a month and the complaining has gone down but I still hear things now and then, but at least those labels were gone for now and I could enjoy my time not hearing complaints.

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