25 Graduation

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     June 14, 2019 it is now the day of graduation, which I sort of forgot about, so my mom woke me up to take me to the hair salon. Now I knew today was officially the last day I was going to see Nicholas until three more months. The stylist braided it like a headband and curled my hair, and I love my hair and I felt uncomfortable with the amount of hairspray she put on it. That took like two hours, and I am finally home and I get dressed in a short dress with my gown. My grandma wears make up every day and honestly she doesn't look a day over 40 for a grandma who has nine grandchildren, so she did my make up, and for once in my life I thought I looked pretty good. I had to take a few photos outside because my mom loves taking photos of my first time doing something, and she took me to school. I saw all my friends and Nick. I know I'm always going to call him Nick instead of Nicholas. I'm just use to it. We only had one practice and Dyani was missing and I heard Nya say she had summer school and Mrs. Grasso responded "shocker" I said "Oh, damn". We got out and went into the room where mass is normally held, and it was two hours long. Some people got a trophy for a class the teacher they think they are the best in that subject. I got a trophy for academic excellence in science and four more things. Periodt. Nick got one thing, but it didn't matter to me. I got on honor roll again with a 91.00 average on the report card it said 91.17. Nick got an 84 average, and I was really happy for him, and I kissed him twice on the cheek and took a lot of pictures with him, and I left to eat at Applebee's with Kayla, and I missed Nick a lot and wondered if we would still be together. Is he cheating on me? Would he move on? I guess I just have to see when I see him at school❤️
I enjoyed writing about this part of my life. Love you guys bye

My sister Nicole is on the left, my Dad named Carlos whom I call pops is next, then its me Perla, then my baby sister whose name is Carla on the right

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My sister Nicole is on the left, my Dad named Carlos whom I call pops is next, then its me Perla, then my baby sister whose name is Carla on the right.

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