7 Honor Roll

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     Second Trimester Exams are in April and they are the same as the first trimesters except the tests were from January to April so everything was a new topic. Then again nearly two weeks of vacation and I still didn't think much of trimester exams so I barely studied for them and I got a 79 average and Nicholas got an 86 average so he was on honor roll. I did poorly on language arts and got a 68 so Parent Teacher Conference. Ms. Philips said I got an 66 but she gave me two points for effort. It was May and kids on Second Trimester honor roll get to go to Philadelphia in a coach bus. I really missed Nicholas and he is super smart so I expected nothing less and while half the Junior High was gone the other kids combined classes. So for private school it was the first time we all get to combine classes with boys and girls. I missed Nick and I wouldn't stop talking about him to Jasmin and she said "PERLA!!!" Jasmin sits in front of me and behind me so we are basically together most of the time. Sometimes she can be rude and nice and she was one of my best friends at the time, and I was super innocent so I never had any idea on what was going on. Next day Nicholas was back he told me he missed me and I told him I missed him and the days went by. I joined a club called Team Science just to hang out with him and I heard it was super fun, but I decided to go to the lacrosse game to cheer my friends on. It was May 4th, 2017 Thursday. Nick followed me a lot so instead of going to Team Science he decided to come with me. I was hanging out with Vincent and Cristian. Vincent asked how did we meet. I told him the entire story which took about 10 minutes because Im not really good at explaining things. Cristian was eaves dropping everything. I began to wonder why did Nick like me after I told him that I liked him, so I asked Nick who was sitting besides me. Nick didn't want to tell me until Vincent and Cristian left, but they didn't leave yet. Finally, Vincent had to go to his bus and it was around 4:50 p.m. The game was over so me, Cristian, and Nick left to get our stuff in the art room. Nick was going to tell me but then Cristian came and he asked if Cristian could leave for a moment and I was surprised that he agreed. There was no one else in the art room but us two, so I asked him again and he told me because I was beautiful and I said "Awww", and I hugged him. We both looked at each other awkwardly and we both looked at each others lips and we kissed. I asked "Did that just happen?" Nick  said "Yep". Nick said he want to keep it a secret, so if anyone asked if we ever kissed I had to say no. I guess the reason was because we didn't want to get exposed, and I would be getting so many complaints on how kissing Nick is gross.Next week Team Science.Nick could be a nerd one time and a whole other person at another time.Sometimes I find it super difficult to understand him. The club was fun. We were gardening and grew plants for the greenhouse, but I had something different on my mind.I was busy worrying about what to get Nick for his birthday. I asked his best friend Jose what to get him and he responded "I don't know" I responded by saying "Bruh" because they have been best friends since kindergarten, yet he didn't know what Nick likes for his birthday. I was getting desperate, but I decided to give hi money and a note because I was stressing myself out way too much. He told me he didn't want the money and tried to give it back, but I insisted that he should take it. Now I had something else to worry about. What should I wear for the Spring Social?

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