12 Cheating?

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     So much drama and tension have been caused because of Marcelo. I never officially dated him, and I don't think I was gonna. No one knows about this even from today. He's cheating on Josie, and I can't help, but I try to tell her. She does not believe me. To be honest she is one of those thirsty white girls people hate. We were super tight in 6th grade, but not anymore. Nick doesn't know this , but I honestly didn't try to date Marcelo like at all. I was never with him. I just went with him to tell Josephine his evil master plan. She didn't believe me. She just accused me of certain things and she turned everyone against me. Literally everyone, and it took and entire chunk of my time being in 7th grade. It was literally trimesters. All the events in my recent chapters, which are still continuing so all those events have passed. We now are in trimesters exams. This time I knew I was going to pass better, but with studying. I studied until 1 in the morning. Apparently I found out that St. Martins is the hardest school in Long Island. I was surprised when I found out I got on honor roll. After two weeks of vacation I got to see Nick again. As always its dramatically awkward between us for a few days and things go back to normal. (Tea spilled). Josie and Marcelo broke up. Wow, what a shocker. I heard Marcelo cheated on Josie with another white girl. I was not surprised. To be honest I laughed inside. I tried to tell her, but why would she listen to me. Josie decided not to speak to me. I couldn't speak to anyone other than Jordyn, Jazmyn, Nick, Edward, Roman, Livia, Jose, and Jasmin. It was like I was trapped. As if I was a marionette and she was my creator. One of my favorite events came by, which is the Winter Social. I was going to have fun now that I have more people to hang out with. I had a secret that I told I was going to tell Nicholas, and he was desperate to know, so I told him I was going to tell him at the social. I wasn't working about that though. I needed to get my hair and nails done including choosing my dress and accessories. Also, this was going to be my first slow dance with Nick. I was excited and nervous. The social is here. Everyone is begging not to get detention, which is funny. Boys asking girls which is adorable. After mass we headed to the Sacred Heart Commons, and when everyone started to dance especially Wilkins I told Nick, but it was like 30 minutes after the social started. It was sort of late, and after I told him, he told me he had a secret he needed to tell me. I was surprised. I didn't see this coming. It took him while to tell me, and he told me he was horny when around me. I didn't understand what he meant or what that word meant in general, and he told me that its the stuff Mr. Hickey talks about in religions class, and I said "Ohhhhhh". I thought it was funny how that example made me understand. I didn't have a problem with it. If that is what he feels then I am ok with it. I like people who can tell me what they feel even if it takes them a while to express it. I think he expected me to between scared and happy, but I didn't really mind because I get sort of sexual feelings sometimes as well, but I keep them to myself. We had a great time at the social, and there is new tea. Jordyn and Claude are dating. Claude is a heck of a player, and they didn't really last long. Jordyn broke up with Claude because he talks trash about people, and he was talking about how I'm way out of Nicholas's league, and it pushed her buttons. He talked crap about way more people. Even her own friends so it didn't last, but I think its for the best, and it shows she does care about my relationship and her friendships no matter how much she says she is disgusted by it jokingly. Any who after this drama like I said everyone was against me. People talked about me behind my back. I'm not cheating and I would never plan on doing that. I tried to help a friend. Nick today thinks I just decided to go with Marcelo because I told him that he was ignoring me, but the reason is I went with him to help a person whom I thought was my friend. Turns out we are all just enemies, but friends in a role-play. Again no one who I know knows , so maybe if they read this they will know but no one knows about this app/website besides me, Jazmyn, and Kayla in our school. I sneezed one day in religion class and Josie said "bless you" that was the first time she talked to me in a while, and she asked if we can just forget about all the drama. I said ok because even I was tired of it, but everyone was still against me. I was hoping they would forget about it soon. Really soon. Guess what they finally did!

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