3 Slow Time

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     As two months have gone by we have been going in a slow relationship meaning we never kissed, hugged, or held hands. I never complained but I have thought about it every once in a while. We wrote a lot of notes and by a lot I mean stacks of notes. Mia said one day we will get caught but we never did. The notes always had gossip, questions, and we said we loved each other on each of the notes. So far it was late December and there was an event called Pack to Back Prayers, which is an event where you go to Dollar tree, buy things people use in everyday life and toys with $20.00. We also place blankets and take a photo of 5 kids which are given to every student, which contains themselves and we write a letter and the bags get sent to New York City and are given out to the needy. So as that day came by all the Junior High stayed after school and it was around 4:45 p.m. when they told all the kids to sit down in the art room. We had to wait for 15 minutes and we had tables in front of us and there were five rows of tables and chairs with five in each row. All the students were rushing to find seats before there weren't any left. Nick sat beside me. I had both my hands down and I felt something touch them. I looked down and Nick was trying to touch my hand, but he didn't know if I want to do the same.  I held is hand tight and he smiled, but we had to act like it was nothing because we didn't want to get caught in the moment. After the faculty set everything up they separate everyone by gender and grade because everyone  had to change their outfits if they pleased and eat pizza. Everyone was done eating pizza, putting on perfume, changing clothes, brushing their hair and edges, so we all went downstairs and when the boys saw us they looked at all the girls in shock. In my opinion I thought it was super funny looking at the boys with their mouth dropped open. As we came down the Sacred Heart Commons the room was filled with tables, boxes of bags, and a lot of objects. We all had to sit on the plain hard floor and watch a video Mr. Morris composed with Christian Rock Music from his favorite artists and photos of us shopping which was honestly not  a bad video. After that we got everything including the photos and we gave the bags around in a huge circle and those bags were put inside a box. Pack to Back Prayers finished and this was the first one as well. Our parents came by around 8:45 p.m. I was talking to Nick most of the time  while I rushing to get all the activities done and I wouldn't stop replaying the moment of him reaching for my hand because I was hoping we will do it again soon.

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