16 Last Ten Months

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OK. We have to be serious now. I have finally made it to 8th grade. I'm shook. My homeroom 8-1 and teacher Mrs. Citrano is not bad, but she is not as fun as Mr. Morris, and new news, she is pregnant. You all know how this goes, it is super awkward with me and Nicholas, but for once he actually asked me how I was. I was surprised. I got to see my friends and they told me they liked my hair. My 10 year old sister decided to curl my hair for some reason. I don't like my hair curled, but I don't want to give her hopes up, so I accepted. I was excited to see them. I realized they looked older, and Jazmyn, she got glasses, not that I'm saying they don't look great on her because they do. Anyway we got to see our lockers and some new kids came Dyani, Kaiya, and Daisy, and in the other grades as well. My cousin Henry came as well, and he is the only cousin I have ever to come here at St. Martins. We got use to the few days of school as well, and it was the same routine and yes I made-out with Nick on the staircase, but to be honest since I do it everyday I got bored of it, but I decided not to tell him. Our 2nd year anniversary came so of course it was Triumph of the Cross. Nick didn't get me anything, so his friend Edward made fun of him, but I didn't mind because my birthday is coming up in a few days. I think I gave him a note with twenty bucks. Anyway so its still September and its now been a few days, so guess what its my Birthday. It was on a Sunday, so I had no one to tell, but that doesn't matter to me because I don't like to celebrate my birthday ever since my grandma whom I'm named after died last year and the last thing she told me was Happy 12th birthday, which is heartbreaking for me, but my parents decided to not listen and they woke me up with my favorite desert of all time, which is flan, and I french-braided my hair and my dad took me to a place where you can rent motor cycles. I love motor cycles by the way. It gives me a feeling of being free, and it can't be taken away. Next day Nicholas gave me earrings, which I didn't want to accept because him being there is enough for me, and I don't want him wasting money on me. By the way I enjoyed myself on the motor cycle , but three days later I couldn't feel my body. A few weeks passed and all the kids in Team Science were preparing for Kid Wind, which is an event at the Cradle of Aviation. St. Martins has never won, but the kids there never gave up. My partner was Jazmyn, but she never had the time to help, so I decided to choose a different partner. My partner was Kayla, she is my Kid Wind partner and my study partner for tests and quizzes, which is basically every day. I didn't think 8th grade was this difficult, but we had a quiz and test nearly everyday, and it stressed every kid in 8th grade, so we had a lot to balance. Kid Wind was near, but something PAINFUL happened the day before...

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