17 October 23, 2018

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     Kid Wind was a day away, and everyone was preparing for it. Me and Kayla were planning a day of exfoliation and relaxation because we were working so hard on studying, but before that I came back from school at 5p.m. because I had after school. I ate and I almost fell asleep, but I didn't. Oh and I forgot to mention my new baby sister was born in April 2017. Her name is Carla, which is the girl version name of my dad Carlos. I took care of her the entire summer, and I counted down everyday before she was born, she was born three days earlier. I'm extremely happy with her. So anyway its now October, and I was kind of dealing with a lot of pressure. Remember I mentioned my cousin Henry, he got expelled, and he has been suspended eight times from his last school. I was upset and I can't get over it, but it is what it is, he isn't a bad kid. Ok back to October 23, I was exhausted, and Carla and my cousin kept on waking me up. Nathaniel is my two year old cousin whom has autism and needed thyroid surgery to get rid of a cancer, which is only on my mom's side of the family. Most of the grandchildren have it which includes Nathaniel, Elian, Carla, Darling, and Arlyn. The kids who have one mutation are me, Leo, and Nicole. The only person with zero mutations is my cousin Valeska the eldest of the grandchildren. Then again I took a five minute nap and I was going to go upstairs to take a shower, but then my mom told me to walk my dog, so I did. I walked like three houses down because he decided to go next to his favorite pole, and we were going to go back, so I checked left and right and left again, but then second time I checked I noticed lights and Toby was trying to get across the street. I tried pulling him back, but he kept on trying to fight me to get across, and I took two more steps and pulled Toby as much as I could, and I made sure he was ok, but next thing that happened. BOOM. I got hit by the truck. I was unconscious for a while and the man who hit me was going crazy. Guess I can't blame him. I would go crazy too if I hit a 13 year old girl saving her dog. After that crazy moment I remembered Toby, so I looked to the side and he was shaking. I was starting to have flashbacks, and I tried to pick myself up, but I couldn't that easily. As soon as I got up the man looked at me, and he asked me if I was ok and where I lived, but I was scared because I didn't know him, and I was scared, so I told him I was fine, and I went to my house wincing in pain, but then I realized he had followed me, and he asked me where he can talk to my mom, and I was acting as if I were fine, and ding dong door bell rang. My mom and grandma were still sitting on the couch, but more pain came and I told my mom to call an ambulance, I got hit by a truck, and she went to the door, and my grandma went hysterical. To be honest the only thing on my mind was how was I going to tell Kayla I can't come for Kid Wind. No one in the house knew how to call an ambulance, so my mom called my dad, so he can call the ambulance. Four minutes later ambulance came and in total four people are in my house. Two police officers talked privately with the guy outside and the other two asked me three questions. My birthday, what I was doing, and my name. Then two medics come and try to remove my jacket and they asked if they can cut it or attempt to take it off and I just bought the jacket and I didn't want to waste money, so I went through the pain of taking it off. It took about 5 minutes. They put me on the stretcher and my dad came and he came with me in the ambulance. They put a needle in my arm for pain medicine. My cheek was red. It was a bumpy ride, and lucky me, the doctor for trauma wasn't there, so I had to go to a different hospital, and I have never been there, and I had to wait for 45 minutes. Ok the next ambulance ride was better and I had those weird gowns you wear. I forgot to mention that at the first hospital they cut all my clothes since I couldn't get them off. It was a long time. I was there for technically two days. I finally left the hospital and I called Kayla, and we were happy to talk to each other and she seemed worried. Mr Holian and Mrs. Lazano called me and recorded a voice message and Mr. Holian called me and told me that St. Martins won Kid Wind and it was Nicholas Merlos and Dominic Franco, and they dedicated it to me, which I thought was super sweet. Kayla organized 5 people to come to my house. Livia, Amaya, Marco, Kayla, and Nicholas. Julie told her mom and she ended up coming. Two minutes later the five people I mentioned came, and they came running upstairs, and I was super happy especially to see Nicholas. I had a neck brace on that I had to keep on for two weeks, which was painful, and I was on my sister's bed because she has a harder mattress than mine, and I can't pick myself up. I reached for Nicholas's hand and I kissed his hand and held it tight, and Julie was recording everything on Snapchat, and said "Must be nice", I smiled. I really did miss everyone, and I wish I could get up and see them facing up instead of the side. I wasn't allowed to take a shower so my hair was super greasy. Everyone sort of ditched me for my baby sister, so I was left alone with Nick, and I kept holding his hand,and he kissed mine twice. I missed him, and Livia came in the room and I told her to lock the door. I pulled Nick a bit closer until his lips were touching mine and it continued for a while. Then we stopped, but I didn't want to leave the moment because I knew I wasn't going to see him in a while, so we did it once more, and I guess he went with it because he realized I was staring at his lips. After an hour Kayla left next was Livia and her siblings and then Nick. I had fun talking to them, and I had two weeks to go.

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