14 Philly Trip For Me

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     Second trimester has gone by and I ended up getting on honor roll for the second time. I already had a partner, which was Jazmyn. We didn't really have anything planned sense she was the new kid, and it was my first time going on this trip for honor kids only. Nicholas said he was gonna miss me, and I like to play around with him and say" yea right" to see how pushy he is going to let me be. I honestly thought about how much I was going to miss him, and I ended up writing his name on loose-leaf more than fifty times with the occasional additional hearts. I told Jazmyn get ready because I'm going to give her a lecture about Nicholas. Her reaction made me laugh because she immediately said "Nooooooooooo" and her fake crying. She seems adorable when she does it, but she can be extremely pushy, loud, and annoying as well, but me and Jordyn love her. I decided to give her a nickname like I do to all my friends. I called Jazmyn JJ and I call Jordyn Jojo or Jojobunny. We all gave each other some weird nicknames. Anyway back to the philly trip. I woke up at 6 a.m. We were suppose to be there a little before 7 in the morning. I got everything ready. I got my phone back, which is an iPhone 4 but at this point I stopped caring because its at least something. After two years I finally got my phone back. I brought a purple bad and a sweater. I forgot to bring my charger. It was a four hour ride there. There is still school is session. Combined classes for them. I kept keeping track of the time to see what class Nicholas was in because I missed him. Nick doesn't have a phone, so I couldn't text him, and I really missed him. During those four hours it was honestly pretty quiet because everyone was on their phone. Me and Jazmyn were listening to music on her iPod, which had a lot of my favorite songs. I like songs from the early 21st century and continuing, and a few songs from the late 20th century. I love to dance and sing. People say I have a nice voice when I sing, but I don't believe them, and I've been dancing for 5 years at The Dance Place, but quit when I went to 5th grade to begin karate, which I have been in for 2 years. I quit because I have a lot of studying to do and they keep teaching us the same thing over and over again. I enjoyed singing with Jazmyn and she is a really good singer. Alec sat next to us and he was being super annoying. Me and Jazmyn were sing "Someone Like You"by Adele, Alec stopped what everyone was doing and said I sang like an angel. To be honest I blush when people compliment me because I don't really like attention and I've never gotten much attention before. We finally got there and we saw a lot of adorable infants near a fountain. We first went to a cathedral and sat there for a while. Then, some weirdo comes in saying how his family abuses him, and he looked like he should be detained. I thought it was part of the trip, but it was not. Then we went out on the grass and had a little picnic. Sebastian stole my cookie, but at first I wasn't sure, so I didn't say anything, but then he said "Something missing", and I confessed what I thought, and we were all laughing. We walked around into this place with someone dressed as George Washington and he spoke a few other languages such as spanish, german, and italian. He was wearing some high knee socks and these super heavy hot clothes. I don't know who is crazy enough to wear that when it was more than 90 degrees. I wonder if he thinks he gets paid enough. He spoke German and showed us around. We were walking for hours and hours and I was still keeping track of the time. I took many photos and videos. There was this video that I didn't know I took but as looking back where Roman was walking then running and attempted to jump over this pole, but he looked like he hit his balls and screamed, and I couldn't stop laughing. We were all walking for hours until the point where people started sharing water, and we saw the liberty bell and the printing press and many more things from the past. At the end there was this fountain where water shoots up like a spring, and Mr. Holian went in it and I was the second to follow and get wet, which was fun. Everyone else did it to cool off. Then it was around 5 p.m, and we went back to the coach bus, and headed towards Saint Martins. I kept keeping track of the time and me and Jazmyn kept talking and listening to music while I talked to my big brother (not my real brother)Roman. We finally got there around 8p.m,and it was super fun, and I spent it all my my honor friends, but it would have been nice with my other friends as well.

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