4 Exams

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    Its still late December and we are all almost on Winter vacation but before we have fun we all have to take Trimester Exams, which are exams based on all the tests we have taken put together in one from September to December. It requires a lot of studying but at the time I didn't know what trimesters were so I didn't study for them. I used to go to public school so I thought trimester exams were like state tests. Before the exams begin I went to my locker and wished Nick good luck and he did the same. The first exams are religion and science and I just read my entire notebook during the study period which is about an hour. After religion we go out for lunch and recess. Yeah I guess still having recess is sort of weird in middle school,but that is why school is over at 3:30 p.m. We have trimesters three days in a row. First day its religion and science. Second day is literature and math. Third day is language arts and social studies. After these exams we have two weeks of winter vacation. A boy named Roman was always wondering why I was always hanging around Nick and his friends and Roman told me he liked me and I told him that me and Nick have been dating since September and he told me that he did not know, but Roman was super sweet and calm. I asked Roman why he liked me and he told me I was pretty and he loved my personality. I laughed and I thought it was the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me and me and Roman quickly became good friends. I missed Nick so much and I wouldn't stop thinking about him and all the times we had during those four months. I didn't think I was going to last two weeks. I talked a lot about him and when I talk you can never find out when I end. The teachers have to grade the exams the next day so they can put the people who got over an 85.00 average on honor roll. Of course I was not on honor roll mainly because I didn't study and I still didn't know the difference at the time so to me they were just exams, but I did get an 81.67 average. My worst subject was language arts because I didn't understand it and we had a really strict teacher named Ms. Philips and I was always picked on by her, and I could never answer her questions because I didn't understand a word she was saying because of her caribbean accent, which is also an addition to the fact that I have never learned grammar in my life. I was honestly happy that those exams were over because it took a lot of time and patience, and I had to stick with waiting to see Nicholas for two weeks.

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