9 Field Day and Last Days

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     Field Day was a few days before Comps. We did a lot of activities, and every time someone tells me Nick did something apparently I have to go talk to him, which I didn't do because I didn't want to. I want to enjoy my last days of 6th grade, and I didn't know if my parents were going to let me come back because they are incredibly strict towards everything. I do not know the specific names of these activities, so I'll move on to the food and the movie. We were eating watermelon after these activities. I was sitting next to Jordyn, Martha, Livia, and Jasmin. AS Jordyn saw the watermelon I saw here sit away and I asked her why. She said she is allergic to watermelon so I decided not to go near her as much because I already had watermelon. If I knew she was allergic I wouldn't have eaten it. After wondering around people trying not to kill Jordyn we all went into the auditorium. I went to sit down and I was going to sit next to Sebastian B, but then Nicholas came in and sat next to me. I pretend to not know anything. My friends sat in the back. We were watching the movie Moana. I was tired so I laid my head on Nichola's shoulder. Jose turned around putting his thumbs up smiling, and I heard everyone whispering about it behind me. No one really said anything. They all just smiled and it creeped me out. We got to about the end of the movie and we went on the bus. We sat next to each other, but in different seats, and I guess I had a great time, but in a few days we have comps. These were going to be my first COMPS. Nick and I wished each other good luck and he game me his house number sense at the time we didn't have phones. I had a phone but it was always taken away. I was obsessed and called him basically everyday, but I decided to stop because if I continue I think I might go even more crazy than I already was. Anyway I did not study because I still didn't understand what they were. Basically comps are the first trimester, second trimester, and the exams from this trimester we are in now all put together into one test. This is worth 25% or 50% for our final grade. First days are Religion and Science. Second are Literature and Math. Third are Language Arts and Social Studies. As each exam went by they were pretty easy and I was worried for language arts only. It was my worst subject because again never learned it and it really frustrated me on how Ms. Philips was always picking on me. I did ok because all of the questions were super familiar to me. Even if I was't on honor roll I was pretty close for someone who never studied for a test. The third comps came by and after these I knew I wouldn't see Nicholas until approximately next year, which can lead a girl to go crazy. I took all my comps and everyone seemed to happy to be leaving. I was going to miss Nick a lot, but we were still confused on whether we were going to stay together. My answer was always going to be yes, but I didn't want to respond because I wanted to know his answer. Everyone was super happy when the bell rang, it was super annoying. I hugged Nicholas and he followed me for a bit and always said "scared"pushing my back the slightest bit, and he doesn't know this, but I always pretend that I was scared because I don't get scared easily. We kissed under the staircase and said bye. That was our second time and those were my last days of 6th grade.

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