8 Spring Social

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     When Nick came back he was acting like a whole other person. He was sort of being a jerk at this point as the social came around. I was honestly shocked, but I didn't say much. He started to ignore me, but I had to idea on how to respond, it was sort of crazy. I decided to tell Livia to tell him I am not going because I just can't stand him at this point, and this was one day before the philly trip. At that moment I realized Nick acts like two people. When around loved ones he may not be innocent, but he is sweet and his nerdy self, but with other people lets say classmates he wants to be around in order to have friends. He curses a lot and I mean a lot, which I hate, but never tell him as much as I want to. I have never cursed so much just to fit in. I was extremely innocent but Jasmin and Martha have gone into my head so often that I wondered "How innocent was I". To be honest I never enjoyed cursing at all. I found no point in it, but everyone does it even if they don't like it so it leads me to the question "Are they cursing because they want to or just to fit in" I never think much of it. Anyway I refused to tell Nick, but his cheekbones get me every time even though I was upset. He came up to me and told me that Livia told him on the bus to the philly trip that I did not want to go and I told him he was being rude. He doesn't say much, but asks what do I mean. I just say a few words and that I am going with him because I have enough arguments at home and its "killing me" to get these things off my chest. The Spring Social came around and I had absolutely nothing to wear. I was in problems. I couldn't go last minute to buy something because I didn't plan on going. We had mass and headed towards the sacred heart commons like it was nothing. We eat (except me), drink soda, and talk each others ears off. I spend most of my time with Livia and I sit next to the boy's table where Nick is. We were all talking and Brother James tells me to put the mariachi hat on and smile for the camera. I was so uncomfortable because again it was only my second social. I dance the same song with Nick. Sometimes I just wonder if he was just bored, but we honestly had a great time together, and in my opinion we had a good relationship, so we kept going with it as COMPS came around.

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