15 Birthday, Field Day, & Good-Byes

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     It was almost Nick's birthday. The philly trip was fun and it has been around one or two weeks after that trip. I was happy to see Nick most of all. Me and Jazmyn had fun. Everything is normal I guess at this point. I didn't know what I was going to get Nicholas for his birthday as always, so I always stuck with what I normally do cash, stuff animal, make-out on staircase. I had nothing else, but I just didn't stop caring I was stressed over getting him things especially since I'm still clueless on what to get guys for their birthday. He got a phone for his birthday, and showed it to me the next day early in the morning, he also gave me his number, so now I can text him during some of the summer so I won't go nuts over how much I miss him. Regular days have gone and author day as well. He called me up because I had four glasses in my hands, and when I walked in I always wear my glasses on top of my head, and for some reason Jordyn gave me her glasses and hands me Livia's glasses, Jazmyn's glasses, and including my own after wearing it on my head for a while. He said I looked beautiful when I came in to take my seat. Jazmyn thought he was talking about her. It was honestly all a blur. I got the name Pack-rat because of all the glasses I was holding. Not meh proudest moment, and he said he was going to write a book that includes me, but the thing is he isn't going to use my name. Anyway that passed and Field day was coming. My color was green, so was Nicholas's, Jordyn's, and Jazmyn's. We were all together. It was raining early so we watched the movie first, and it was a movie based on Hockey from Disney called "Miracle" I think. Nicholas sat next to me and Jordyn. Nick asked for my hand, and it took me a while to give it to him. I mentioned how I missed my ex and where our touches come closer, but I forgot the reason I mentioned it. All I remember is it was based off something Nicholas had said. Then he told me something. He told me what if, and then I asked "What?" I was confused on what he was trying to tell me, but he kept on saying never mind, and when he did try he just stopped and it was as if he couldn't speak. I want to know what he was trying to tell me but I couldn't understand what it was. I sort of got an idea after because he kept mentioning my ex, so then I thought that he wanted to touch me, but is too nervous to ask,but I did ask if he tried to tell me about what he told me at the winter social a few months ago, and he responded yes. I didn't tell him my other theory because I was getting angry at him for keep pausing, and we just stopped ourselves for a moment, but I tried not to be so mad at him. I love him and I always will. We all sat down to eat and that is when Jordyn tackled me to the ground and starts tickling me. I am the most ticklish person you will ever meet. There are only two places out of my whole body where I am not ticklish, not including my face. Kayla and Jazmyn soon joined in and Kayla said she got me pregnant, which made no sense to me. She kept saying she got me and Jojo pregnant. Nick also joined in for a bit but stopped after a few seconds. Nick does tickle me but not when everyone else is around and I'm on the ground. That was honestly a good day besides the drama we had in Kellenburg's auditorium. Me and Nick made up quickly and as always make-out on the staircase. After Field Day comps came bye again and we as a 7th grade class were ready for them. Nicholas gave me a gift which was jewelry with my birthstone, which is a sapphire. I didn't want to take it even if it was beautiful, and I am a huge fan of jewelry, it was expensive, and I don't want Nicholas to waste money on me. I asked him why he gave me this, and he said because he wasn't going to see me in a while. At this point I have no words. Regular school days went by with no after school and I knew I was ready. No hesitations what so ever. Comps were super easy, and as we were all saying our last good byes I knew my last year here is yet to come. Me and my friends went downstairs under the staircase and as always make-out but with company, and I hugged Nick for the longest time I could before he thinks a teacher would come or before he misses his much, which is nearly all the time. I thought to myself I'm really going to miss him, and I thought of how next year is our last year.

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