18 I'm Back

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     After those terrible two weeks I was able to take my neck brace off. Yes, finally, but I haven't showered in two weeks. It took two days to get all the grease and dandruff out of my hair, but I felt more fresh and confident. I went to school exactly two weeks after so its was November 6, 2018. A lot of people said hi and asked if I was ok. I came with a sling to school, and it took me a while to learn to walk fast. I could't run and it had me super frustrated. I asked Kayla what Nick said when he found out because he was the second person to find out and she said he was shaking, which I sort of doubted because it shocked me that he actually cared so much. I barely talked to him and all those letters people wrote to me were mostly fake and I was laughing as I read them, and my best friends Jazmyn and Jordyn helped me for weeks to carry my books and walk with me all the time, and I could never thank them enough, but something I also had in mind was Nick never asked to help me and Jordyn noticed that and she teases him in a rough way. I wasn't sure but I felt like he was embarrassed to be near him and I had gone into a depression, and a lot of people have noticed I was not acting the same. I know he loves me and I love him to so I just ignored it but it bothered me, so I decided to tell his friend Edward since he noticed and well I told everyone except Nicholas because I didn't want him to know I was hurt. Few days later... I just couldn't take it anymore I was annoyed and frustrated and he responded as if he had done nothing wrong and said he didn't know and he didn't notice. To be honest I really wanted to slap him, but what will that solve. And then two more weeks have gone and same stuff happened. He was acting like a jerk and U didn't know why. Its now December again and I no longer needed my sling, so I was back to normal. I did start talking to Nick and then he wondered why I was so angry one day and I refused to speak to him and then he asked Jordyn during the G.O.L.D program why I wasn't speaking to him, which annoys Jordyn. So she says the whole enchilada comes to me starts complaining and I finally spoke to him after who knows how many days and I guess I forgave him because when he looks worried I am not gonna lie its the cutest look of his that I just can't get out of my head. It kills me to say it but of course I forgave him and we went back to our adorable little lives, and now it feels as if he has never left my side.

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