20 2019

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      1st Trimesters are done and a new year has begun. Jordyn and Jazmyn are going nuts over anime and I'm telling them not to talk about anime. Me and Nick have an awkward first greeting but after a day everything is back to normal. There is a new kid in the 7th grade named Christopher. By the looks of it you can tell it is going to be a crappy year. As I was saying a new kid named Christopher came and he seemed quite peculiar and had a huge overbite, but who am I to judge. I decided to give the dude a chance, and something is just off, and as the days have gone by he was super pervy. I noticed how he would always look at my butt and he'd squeeze my boobs and I just turn red, and my big bro Roman sees me speechless and I don't know but like people don't know what it means to sit silent in shock and I did tell people, and there were two other girls he was targeting. Giovanni and Sylvi( I don't know how to spell her name), he also puts quarters in our shirts that were really cold. I told Nick about it and he didn't seem to care and it just goes on and on. Until no more and the other two girls went to Mr. Holian, and he got expelled. I would have told him myself, but I don't really have a good history with Mr. Holian and I knew he would call my parents and I didn't want them to know because it would be my last strike and they would have taken me out of the school and I'm not so good with change. Nick is nice like always, handsy as always, nerdy as always, and just weird as always. I don't know why he is the only person who barely does anything when I tell him something but to be honest he is always the last to know about almost everything, and when he tells me something I say that was a week ago or I just play along with his conversation seeing where this would go. I guess I'll just never have the words for him, but he is different, and I'm not that average either although everyone tries to be average, but most of us are hypocritical to others and ourselves, and it may never be understood. Sometimes I try to act like someone I am not and I guess it would get me somewhere, but you stop when you find your crowd and not another group of fake friends. I guess I'll confront Nick eventually but for now I like my life the way it is and we haven't had an argument in a long time, and I really want this relationship to last.

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