24 Barbacue

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Cool today is the barbecue second to last day I get to see my friends, and we all see each other. I was late because Noe didn't tell me we were going to walk, which took 10-15 minutes and everyone was on the bus and of course speed running and it was hot so I was sweating which was embarrassing but at least I was there. My best friends in the world Jazmyn and Jordyn gave me water and we sat together, but there was a lot of people so everyone had the choice to take the other bus which had more air conditioning and believe it or not a few people were there but at least it was to ourselves. Anyway 30 minutes layers we are at Meribah, which is a retreat house and as soon as we got there we got in our swimsuits and went to the pool, and we had a group and wanted to see who lasted the longest because the water was super cold. I teased Nick that I bet he can't swim, and he splashed me and I splashed him. We stayed there for at least an hour. He touched my leg and to annoy me he tried to push my legs deep in the water, which hurt a bit and he did they sorry, and I just can't stop thinking about his sweet manners and for some reason marriage. Although I am still 100% virgin. My friend Jasmin Grande made a bet with me because apparently she thought I wouldn't last the whole summer without losing my virginity and I agreed because I knew I wasn't going to see him anyway in the summer just on FaceTime and pictures he takes, which I find adorable. After that we went outside and I was playing a game on Malakh's phone and I ate a cheeseburger and I was sitting next to Nick, and we talked a bit and the three hours have gone pretty fast. So we all had to leave soon, and Ms. Philips was doing a room inspection, which pissed me off and me, Jazmyn, Jordyn, and Kayla almost missed the bus, which was funny and we finally made it to St. Martins a bit early though. Everyone standing far away from Mr. Holian and he was talking to parents who came to pick their kids up. Nick asked me to sit down with him at the table and he went under my shirt feeling where you know, which is most likely the last time, and I didn't mind, and we held hands for a bit, and Mr. Holian asked me and Nick and Malakh to take in some trays of food, and me and Nick sat together again, and we made out, and it caught Lynn's attention and everyone watched a bit and like I said before most of them aren't supporting. His mom finally came to pick him up and I hugged him tight and said "Bye, love you", and his mom smiled and they walked to the parking lot. Now I have to wait until graduation.

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