13 February Kiss

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     Its Valentines Days again. I have no idea what I am getting Nicholas. I have no ideas. Anyway my plan was to make-out with him, which is something I've been wanting to do for a while, but with what courage. I gave him a hug and told him I loved him. He gives you a warm feeling, when he is around. I really do love him, and he is the only person I can say it to. I haven't said the word love to anyone other than my dog for about two years, so I think there is something special about Nick. He gave me a stuffed bear holding a heart. I gave him a note and money and I think something else, but I can not remember. I like to put my hands out as if I were an infant asking someone to carry me, but when I do that I want a hug. Apparently people say my lips quiver and I make a puppy face, which I can nail by the way, so anyway I put my hands out and I hugged him for a bit. For some reason I noticed I smell him unintentionally whenever I hug him, but I never want to let go. I think its cute when he decides to kiss me on the cheek or tries to scare me for his attention. He has become super sweet. Sweeter than sugar cookies. He was always following me somewhere and he waits for me and I think he is a gentleman because out of all the boys Nicholas has really good manners, but when he gets pissed off sometimes he can get really angry, but he does this thing where he breathes in and out and I guess it calms him down. Anyway he is the best, and I can't believe we never have humongous problems like everyone says. I told Jordyn and Jazmyn my plan, and they never like hearing about me and Nicholas because I basically talk about him all the time and they have gotten tired of it, and that was around 5th period, so the day has finally ended and I already told you guys my plan, so I was going to go for it. I tried to make sure no teachers entered the staircase, and so did Nicholas. Nicholas and I always kissed on the staircase for a second with only our lips touching, and I always act as if he isn't going to pull me in and I'd try to walk away, but not really this time. He did the same thing and so did I. He pulled me in after I pretend to walk away, and we kissed, but I put my arms on his shoulder and I slightly pushed his face towards my face, and he just went with it, so I don't know if he had the same idea, but he went with it. To be honest he is a good kisser and it was the first time our tongues have actually touched, and it last for a bit of time. I'm not going to lie, but I enjoyed it because it was a moment I knew I was going to remember forever.

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