Chapter Three

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'Loyalty means nothing unless it has at its heart the absolute principle of self-sacrifice.' - Woodrow Wilson

I decide to go into work tonight anyway, just in case Sebastian comes. If he does it may be for me, and I wouldn't want to disappoint my technically new teacher. The thought makes me laugh; it's fun teasing him. Thinking about it I probably like it because it keeps him at a distance, it slows things down without pushing him away. Its where I am comfortable.

"Ali!" The boys say happily as they walk in. Peter is already here as he is DJ-ing tonight. I smile at them as I wipe down a table and I give them each a hug as they get to me.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask happily.

"Well we didn't have any plans and I have a lunch date I can't be hungover for tomorrow so we thought that I could man the bar while we have a small celebration." Santino says happily.

"What are we celebrating?" I ask as I tuck the corner of my dishtowel in my leggings.

"Life Chica. We are lucky to be here with each other. We are celebrating each other and having fun." Gabriel says. I smile slightly and he picks me up, sitting me on a stool by the bar as Santino gets behind the bar.

"Four shots of Petrone." Gabriel says.

"Tequila?" I ask, slightly worried. They laugh and the clear liquid is poured. It's high quality Tequila so we don't bother with the salt or anything. Santino makes us mixed drinks but pours us shots after every third customer he serves. It doesn't take long to feel the effects so when I do, I tell Santino to slow down on the shots. Gabriel takes me to dance and Peter turns up the music for us.

"There you go Chica, sí!" He says as we dance, customers joining us. It's easy to let go here, it's home. I laugh and spin a little bit, stopping when I face the entrance as I see a familiar smile. I laugh a little and walk over.

"Mr Cashmere. What a surprise." I say, giving him a hug. He laughs in surprise and he hugs me back happily. "Come meet my friends." I say as I take his hand, pulling him towards Axel who is talking to a woman at the bar. Gabriel comes over just as we get to him.

"Who's this Ali?" Santino asks as he pours more shots.

"This is Mr Cashmere. My new business advisor slash teacher from the class this morning. Don't you recognize him?" I ask as I take my shot.

"Call me Sebastian." He says, shaking my friend's hands. I smile and give him a shot.

"Celebrate with us." I say, smiling happily as the boys take their own shots.

"What are we celebrating?" He asks as he does the shot effortlessly. I smile happily and put the shot glass back on the bar for him before pulling him to the dancefloor.

"Life Mr Cashmere. Happiness. We need to celebrate it, cherish it. Don't you agree?" I ask as I lift his hand and spin to initiate dancing.

"I do." He says, starting to dance with me. As the waves of alcoholic warmth flow through my blood the less I notice my surroundings. Only three things exist. Me, the music and Sebastian. We dance for a solid fifteen minutes before Sebastian whispers in my ear that he is getting another drink. I nod and keep dancing as he leaves. Peter waves me over to the DJ booth and I skip over happily.

"Who's that?" He asks me.

"Who? Mr Cashmere? He is my new business advisor/teacher thing from the business class this morning." I explain, taking a sip from his beer.

"Okay, I was just going to tell him to be careful but Gabriel and Santino seem to have that covered." Peter says as he takes his beer and chuckles slightly before taking a sip and watching as Santino and Gabriel talk seriously to Sebastian.

Alley [Interactive]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora