Chapter Nineteen

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'Breath is the link between mind and body.' - Dan Brule

Finding out how much money you have is weird. It never really mattered to me but now I know, I don't know how to feel. Let's just say we will definitely be approved for a mortgage and it shouldn't take long to pay it back. Today is a day of weirdly optimistic meetings with people across Seattle. It makes it all so real. I can actually do this. I just wish I could do it with Adrian by my side, he would give me the extra push I think I need.

I walk past Ashwood industries and decide to surprise Sebastian. Walking in it looks the same as the last time I was here for the first proper meeting with Sebastian; but it feels different. I don't really feel like I am welcome here. I look at the silver plaque telling me what is on the different floors but the more I look the less confident I feel. 

"Can I help you Ms?" A man asks behind the reception desk on my left. I look at him and take a second before smiling at him, my brain only just kicking in.

"Hi, um. My name is Alice Bellerose. I was under Sebastian Ashwood for the small business class. I was in the area and was wondering if he had a moment free to answer some questions of mine." I say, trying to remain calm, trying to remain formal.

"I'll call up and ask for you. One moment." He says. I smile and nod softly, taking a small step back and looking around. I should have just gone home. I don't feel right.

I dressed nicely as I knew I was going to some important meetings today. I'm wearing my best blue jeans, a black button up shirt and black ankle boots. I thought I looked relatively smart until I came in here. Suits and cocktail dresses whisk past me, making me dizzy and self-conscious. I don't belong in this world.

"He'll see you Ms. Top floor, the third door on your right." He says, showing me the direction to the elevator.

I get in alone but pick people up every couple floors, the suits getting finer the higher we go, I even get some dirty looks from people from the top five floors. Thankfully I get off alone on the top floor.

I turn to my right and count three doors along. The door reminds me of the conference room I was in when I first properly met Sebastian, frosted. I don't linger too long as he can probably see my shadow. I knock on the glass and open the door to find an empty office. It's huge, cream colored carpets almost match the clouds obvious through the large glass window. A full but well organised desk is by the right wall, perfectly situated to see the view from the window and the door. 

Each wall has something on it, a shelf has signed soccer, football, basketball and baseball balls. Pictures of Sebastian with famous people are signed and musician's posters hang on the wall, also signed. He never struck me as a sports person, or someone who listens to R&B.  

I look out of the window and try to see what I can see from all the way up here. It takes me smile to think maybe at night he would be able to see a tiny purple light but even with as high as we are, I think we are a little too far away.

"Hey, sorry, had to quickly double check on something. You okay?" Sebastian asks as he walks in, closing the door before kissing my forehead. "You look nice." 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Had some meetings so I thought I had to look a little more formal. I feel really underdressed here though." I say with a nervous laugh.

"You're the most beautiful person in the building Ali." He says, running his hand through my hair and kissing me, making me ease slightly. "What meetings did you have to go to? Everything okay with the bar?" He asks, concerned.

"Yeah, actually things are going really well. I was looking into getting a second location." I say, a proud smile forming on my lips.

"Oh really?" He asks, sounding surprised.

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