Chapter Eighteen

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'One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory.' - Rita Mae Brown

Six years Earlier

As I open my eyes a small smile creeps up to my lips. I have been waiting for this day since I saw Adrian do it. Finally, graduating high school. I remember watching him with his cap on stage, getting the diploma with Gabriel behind him. They high-fived and instead of joining their class came straight to us. Today is my turn, and I can't wait to see Addie's face.

I roll to my side; the marks of Adrian's bed are fresh and make me pout. I miss waking up to him. I sit up and rub my eyes, hearing creaking as I put my hair in a bun. I stare at the door and see the handle slowly turn.

"I'm awake." I say, sitting back to lean on the wall.

"Ay Mija, why did you have to ruin the surprise?" Adrian says with a pout as he walks in, I smile and sit up, giving him a hug as he sits with me.

"I didn't know it was you." I say with a wide smile, hugging him again and holding on tight. "I'm so glad you're here Adrian. It means so much to me."  I tell him as I hang onto him, never wanting to let go.

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world." He says, holding me tight and pulling me on his lap. "I've got a present for you." He says, leaning forward and getting his phone out of his back pocket. 

"You're the only present I need Adrian." I say as I rest my head on his shoulder, looking at the screen.

"Good thing this present is extra time with me then." He says with a smile. "I've extended our road trip this year. Drive down to San Diego then fly to New York to watch whatever musical you want, back to San Diego and drive up."

"Adrian, really?" I ask. He shows me the ticket confirmation email and I squeal as I hold him extra tight. "Thank you so, so much." I say. He holds me tight and rubs my back.

"I'd do anything for you Nena. You deserve the world." He says. I smile and just hold him close to me, not able to tell him in words how much he means to me. 

Adrian takes me out for breakfast and then to get my hair and nails done. Its sweet how he sits with me instead of waiting outside with the small group of men and the guys from my school who are waiting for their girlfriends. The looks he gets in the mirrors by the girls in here make me laugh a little. For as long as I have known him, he has never been interested in relationships. It makes sense though, for our entire lives it's just been me and him, we are the only ones we trust, he doesn't want anyone to disturb or have the chance to change that. We are each other's stability. 

"I'll drop you off at Tía's, I have to sort stuff out at the bar. I'll see you at the ceremony, okay?" He asks as we get in the car.

"What do you have to sort out?" I ask, wanting to know more since I'll be there more now Since I'm done with school.

"Some electrical stuff. Nothing big." He assures me, squeezing my knee. I nod and we sing to some music as we get home.

Tía does my makeup for me. As I sit on the stool, various powders being brushed on my face, a knot forms in my stomach, sourness and discomfort ripple through me. I take a few controlled breaths and Tía sits back.

"You okay Mija?" She asks.

"I think I am just nervous." I say. "I almost feel sick." I say with a nervous laugh.

"He will be there Mija. Adrian wouldn't miss this." She assures me. I smile and nod, Adrian will be there, even if something goes wrong, I will be okay because he will be there. He promised.

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