Chapter Twenty Five

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'I'm not running away, I'm moving on.' - Irvine Welsh

As I unlock the door to my place, I know two things. Firstly, Sebastian knows I'm gone by now. If anything that is certain. Second, I don't want to be sad here, I can't be. A growing part of me feels like if I am sad here for too much longer this place will be ruined. And I won't have a home anymore. But then again, anywhere else I'd be completely alone.

As soon as I am in my apartment, I let my suitcase go and let it topple to the floor. I look to the bedroom and see the closet, once I do, I scramble to it. Pulling the doors open and ripping open the bag with Adrian's sheets in it. I scream, swear, weep into the sheets. Holding them close to me as I go through waves of hysterical crying and strange tranquillity. Eventually it knocks me out, and I sleep for hours. Crying in my sleep, dampening the sheets I rest my head on.

"Ali?" I hear, the voice waking me up. I peel open my eyes and cry as soon as I see him. "Ali, shh, what happened?" Santino asks, holding me, pushing my hair back to see my face.

"I'm sorry." I whimper into his chest as he holds me. I hold onto his shirt and pull so he stays close to me. He rocks me so I calm down and I slowly do. Feeling the care in his touch. He kisses the top of my head, holding me close and whispering comforting words as I calm down.

"It's okay Ali, it's what I'm here for." He says, repeating it every time I whimper my apology.

"I went to tell Sebastian I was leaving." I say, taking a deep breath. "The man he was with offered him a bump. Sebastian accepted, telling the man who I assume is some sort of drug dealer to make sure I don't find out because quote 'her brother died from this.'" I explain.

"Ay Mi Niña." He says, holding me closer. Slowly, he picks me up and takes me to the kitchen, sitting me down on the island and getting me a glass of water, watching me as I drink it. "What did Sebastian say when you told him you were leaving?" He asks.

"I didn't." I say simply. "I dropped my glass when I heard. Pretended like I didn't hear and when I was taken to make sure I didn't have any cuts I ran back to the hotel. Messed it up and got the first flight back." I explain. He doesn't hide his smile and I smile too.

"How did you mess it up?" He asks.

"Wrote on the mirror. Thew everything he bought me around, putting some in the bath with the water, and I don't really remember turning the water off when I left." I say honestly. Santino chuckles and hugs me, the comfort making me tear up again.

"Shh, it's okay now. We will keep Sebastian away from you until he gives up."  Santino says. "You are home now, you'll be okay."

"I'm not sure I can stay here Santi." I say apologetically.

"What? What do you mean you can't stay here? It's your home." He says, confused.

"I don't want to be sad here anymore. I just can't do it. If I am sad here for much longer it will be tainted. This place can't be tainted." I say.

"Where will you go?" He asks.

"I don't know." I say honestly, looking at the sink as I think. "When I decide I'm getting out as soon as I can." I say with a deep breath.

"You're saying goodbye to everyone though, right?" He asks.

"I guess it depends where I'm going and how fast I have to go."

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