Ending Two: Chapter Two

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'We meet people we're supposed to when the time is just right.' - Alyson Noel

The pier in San Diego basically becomes my home. Adrian and I liked to walk down it and it was nice but now I am here I don't really want to go anywhere else. I can see the beach I used to run on with Adrian when I was small. The store where we bought the sun screen is still there and is exactly the same. I go there to buy something for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I make sure to get to the pier for sun rise and sun set. Watching the sky change and the reflection of the sky on the sea soothes me. The sun is gentle on my skin and this time of year it's not that hot so I get to sit comfortably on the end of the pier, in Adrian's hoodie, and zone out. Usually the only thing that can snap me out is an extra cold breeze, splash of water, or the fear that he has found me and is behind me. To be honest sometimes I am scared one of the boys is here, I am still not ready to go back, even though I want to be ready.

Once the sun rises on my fifth day, I get up and climb back in the car. Quietly putting on some music as I drive around aimlessly. If I focus on the road enough, I can see Adrian in the corner of my eye, sleeping in the passenger seat like he used to. Every time I properly look though, he disappears, so I swear not to look that way unless I have to. 

Looking out of my side, I see the airport, it makes me think if one of the planes in the sky has Sebastian in it. Knowing him he'd probably use a private jet and I don't see one of them so I should be okay for the day at least. 

Knowing my way around a bit, I head to the water, driving past the cliffs I was never, ever allowed to go to. As I drive past now, I see groups of people, my age or younger, jumping off. I sit up a little and finally feel my heart beat again. They all seem so full of life. So happy, carefree. After driving past them seven times I make my mind up. When I feel good enough to leave. I'll do it. I'll jump. I'll confirm I still have emotions, and when I am submerged in that cold water. I'll come back out alive, with a life worth living. Like a baptism without God.

I go back to the pier for sunset, of course, but I am late. I jog lightly to the end of the pier and sit down, not missing the sight for any amount of hunger pains. My hands hold onto the metal barrier and I take a deep breath. Today I have finally taken a step forward. Today I am a step closer to home.

"Excuse me?" A voice says, making me whip around faster than a tornado. Looking up I see someone I recognize instantly.

"Luke?" I ask, he is still in his work apron.

"We closed but you always come in for dinner, I thought you'd want these." He says, putting my usual sandwich and a bottle of water next to me. 

"You don't have to do that." I say.

"Well we can't sell them tomorrow; you're saving it from going in the trash." He says, leaning on the barrier beside me. 

"Oh, well, thank you anyway." I tell him, taking a sip of water. I look up at him and see the ends of his dark hair reflect the orange sunlight.

"You're Alice, right?" He asks.

"Yeah..." I say, confused. "How did you know?" I ask.

"I knew your brother. You have the same eyes." He says, sitting with me. I shuffle to give him space and he smiles at me. "He told me you'd come here if you were sad." He adds giving me a small, slightly sympathetic but understanding smile.

"Well, my brother knew me well." I tell him, opening the prepacked sandwich and taking a bite.

"And he loved you, so much." He adds, making me smile and nod, looking back out to the sea.

"He did." I agree, finding peace in knowing that as a fact. The only fact that matters. "How did you know him?" I ask.

"Same as you, he'd come into the shop. I'd ask him who he's buying all the food for and he told me you were sleeping in the car, on some exciting road trip." He says and chuckles. "Same conversation for years." He tells me, making me look at him and smile. His dark eyes happy to remember him. I smile and nod. He really was the best. "So, what's made you so sad you drove all the way down here?" He asks.

"I kind of felt my life was falling apart. Needed a break." I explain, resting my head on the barrier and looking at him. "I have my home, but this place is something else." I explain as my eyes wonder how he got his dark skin to be so smooth.

"Yeah, I get that." He says, agreeing with me. "Feeling any better yet?" He asks.

"A little." I admit. "Not enough to go home though." 

"Well, come by the store before you leave. I need to give you something." He tells me, making me curious.

"What do you need to give me?" I ask. "Can't you give it to me now?" 

"No, I promised I'd give it to you when you're ready. You'll be ready when you're ready to go home." He says with a stern tone to his voice.

"Is it to do with my brother?" I ask.

"Yes." He says, giving me a short smile. 

"Then I won't forget." I tell him, standing up. 

"I look forward to it." Luke says, smiling. We walk back down the pier together and we wave before getting in our cars. For the first time on this trip, I sleep one of the best sleeps tonight. Whatever my brother has for me... I will keep it forever. No matter what it is it shows me how much he cared. And it's just extra proof for the people who never got to see it.

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