Ending Three: The Last Chapter

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'Be faithful to that which exists within yourself.' - André Gide

It's the times when I didn't think I'd think of Sebastian, when I think of him the most. Lilly waking me up on Christmas morning, I wonder what his Christmas is like. Santino blowing out his birthday candles, I think about if he had his birthday alone. As I sign the deed for the second location of the bar, I think about where he is in the world. No one knows.

"Ali, look." Santino says, the TV above the bar is on the news channel, I stop sweeping the new floor and turn up the volume, Sebastian's picture is up.

"After a three-month long disappearance, Sebastian Ashwood has reappeared at his Seattle HQ this morning. Inside sources say the now twenty-nine-year-old billionaire is selling his shares in his own business to focus on personal affairs." The news anchor says before moving onto talking about how well the business is doing, so asks questions to economists about why he shouldn't be selling shares based on future projections.

"You okay Mija?" Santino asks as I ignore it and carry on sweeping, getting ready for the builders to come in again tomorrow.

"Yeah." I say, concentrating on the floor. "I'm just still thinking about him. I miss him." I tell him honestly, resting my hands on the end of the broom, leaning on it.

"I know you do. But when he has dealt with his problems, it will be the right time to talk properly with him." He says.

"I know." I tell him. I do know it's better this way. But that doesn't get him off of my mind, or out of my heart.

Another three months go by and Sebastian is less on my mind, because my second bar still isn't finished. Every day I am thinking about electrical issues, plumbing issues, and I haven't even begun to think of staff. 

While I don't think of Sebastian as much on a daily basis, I think of him every night, wondering what he would suggest I do about different things. I wonder what he is doing, if he is okay. But mainly I wonder how much better I would sleep if he was holding me. Not even Roary can make me feel as good as him. From what I remember anyway.

More time passes, things have calmed down and I spend time at A's, the restaurant Sebastian still owns. Seeing his refurbishment, always makes me smile. Especially when I go after work. The staff know me from before the infamous trip to Nashville and let me work some magic in the kitchen after work to have time to myself. We sell my cinnamon buns out every day by lunch time. Part of me thinks I just like to keep busy so I don't think about things too much, especially Sebastian.

Dreaming of him at night is almost like self-torture. I don't devalue or forget how I felt in New York, but I remember all of the good. I remember the guy I met in the bar over a year ago, and I see the exact same man when he found me in the clearing. That man is Sebastian. The person in New York is not the real Sebastian. That's not my Sebastian.

"Ali! Wake up!" Lilly sings, pulling me from my dream, waking me up to three candles on top of three cupcakes. "I made the cupcakes all alone." She says proudly. I blink a couple times and look up, seeing Tía giggle.

"I watched, don't worry, you won't get poisoned." She says, making me laugh.

"Now blow out your candles before the wax hits the icing or your birthday wish won't come true." Lilly says. I smile and sit up properly, closing my eyes and thinking of a wish. I just wish Sebastian is okay.

"Yayyyy!" Everyone says as I blow out the candles. 

I spend the morning opening the presents Tía, Lilly and the boys got me. It definitely tops my last birthday, and honestly, it makes missing Sebastian a lot easier. It's a shame to admit I have to think about the sad things to survive. But I remind myself about the real Sebastian and I counteract any negative thoughts with it. I just wishI knew the real Sebastian, the one he is becoming now.

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