Chapter Fourteen

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'I really don't think I need buns of steel. I'd be happy with buns of cinnamon.' - Ellen Degeneres

Using the key to Sebastian's place for the first time is terrifying. What if it doesn't work and I am arrested or something? The all black outfit wasn't the best choice. Never the less I manage to get in his apartment. It strikes me how cold it still feels; so sterile. How am I supposed to do this when I feel almost unwelcome in here? I pull out my phone and put on some music, preparing myself. I decide to text Sebastian just to get a little more settled.

How much do you trust me? I ask.

Completely, why? He asks me, almost instantly.

Love you I write simply before getting to work.

I decide to start in the bedroom. I put my backpack on the bed and open it up. Putting a framed picture of us on his bedside table. The frame is black so it is formal like the rest of his place but is a bigger contrast than all of the plain white. I add a black throw blanket on the end of his bed. I pull out a bottle of the body wash from the retreat and put it in his shower as it is a colorful bottle and I add one grey and one black towel to his collection.

I go to his office, adding another picture of us and the boys to beside his computer. I keep this room fairly plain because it is his home extension of work. His kitchen I have a lot of fun with though. I add a magnetised whiteboard on the fridge, writing 'I love you' on it before adding a couple pictures of us and the retreat on it. I add a fruit bowl and a vase of flowers to add color.

In the adjoining living room, I add a smaller selection of flowers on the coffee table and a grey blanket. It isn't perfect, I could add art or more pictures to the walls, I could even paint an accent wall or something else but this is already a big improvement it feels like more of a home.

How long are you going to be at work for? I ask him as I finish my mini refurbishment.

Two hours at least, not more than three. Why? He asks.

Just wondering. I say simply, teasing him slightly. I walk to his pantry and smile at the fact that it is surprisingly well stocked for someone who says they don't have time to appreciate food unless they're on vacation. I look around and look in the fridge, smiling as I see I have everything I need to make my favorite sweet treat for him.

Looking at the time I should be fine, if he comes home a little early, he will just have to wait. My brother and I perfected this recipe when we first had the house to ourselves. With our aunt being fully Spanish we were missing some food that our dad would expose us to when he could. If our parents were lucid on a special occasion like a birthday and they had the money we would go to a bakery and Adrian would get a croissant and I would always get a cinnamon roll. So, one day, we decided to combine the two.

I remember it took a couple tries, a lot of allowance, and a few punishments from Tía about making a mess before we got it right. A cinnamon roll but with croissant dough instead of normal dough. She finally understood when she tried one from our first successful batch. When she got pregnant it even became her biggest craving, so I am pretty well practiced at this by now.

I put my phone by the microwave as I start mixing the ingredients. Swinging my hips and singing as I knead the dough, rolling it out and letting it rest in the fridge.

Any plans after work? I ask him.

No, why? Want me to come round? Kind of want to anyway, been a long day. He says, I sigh slightly but I know this will make him feel better so I remain happy.

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