Chapter Ten

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'There are no secrets that time does not reveal.' - Jean Racine

I don't sleep properly until he joins me. He smells like the bodywash I love so much and something distinctly like him. I'm basically magnetized to him. Within five seconds of him lying in bed my head is on his chest as I cling to him tightly. He laughs softly and strokes my hair. Soothing me to sleep.

The meeting before dinner goes smoothly. Sebastian explains what the thought was behind the task and what the thought was with the clue before Grace and Daryl take over. Explaining what we all did and didn't do well. Some take it better than others but it was insightful to say the least; even I had things to improve on.

"So, what did you do while we were all recovering? I didn't see you at lunch." Nadia asks as we walk to the dining hall.

"Oh, I forgot to pack some things so Sebastian was kind enough to take me shopping. We had lunch there." I say.

"How sweet." She says, wiggling her eyebrows. I laugh and she does too. "Come on you are so into each other. He couldn't keep his eyes off of you in there." She says, looking back.

"We are just friends Nadia. If things change, I'll let you know." I say, smiling as we open the doors.

"Alice, care to have dinner with me again?" Sebastian asks as he catches up to us. I look at Nadia who smirks at me.

"Go, lover man awaits." She says, looking at Sebastian before almost skipping away. I cringe slightly and look at Sebastian with sympathy.

"It turns out we don't hide things well." I say slightly apologetically. "I haven't confirmed anything, she is just convinced there is something." I explain.

"I don't mind that much." He says, leading us to the table. "I just think it would be best for you." He explains.

"Is it that bad?" I ask.

"We'll talk after dinner. Then we can discuss what to do." He says. I smile and nod, sitting with Grace and Daryl again. They tend to be a bit more apprehensive to be flirty tonight. They were worried about what Sebastian would think, even though they have been found out it's still difficult for them. I can still see it in their eyes though, it's sweet.

"So, what's your guy's story?" Daryl asks, trying to distract us from him and Grace. I look at Sebastian and blush slightly, looking down at my food

"Not here Daryl." Sebastian says, shaking his head and sipping his beer. "We aren't advertising." He says seriously.

"Yeah, shocker." He says. "Come on, you've had what, one relationship that was at maybe semi-serious years ago and now you're holding back when it is serious? Tease." Daryl says, making me giggle quietly, Sebastian looks at me and smiles widely, rolling his eyes.

"You're so cute." Grace swoons.

"Quiet Grace. Still not advertising." Sebastian says sternly yet still happily somehow. She rolls her eyes and lays back into Daryl a bit I smile and take a deep breath.

"I'm going upstairs. I'm really quite tired." I say as I stand up. "See you later." I say since Sebastian hasn't got his food yet. He smiles and I wave goodbye to the now open couple. I walk past the dessert table and get some things before heading up. Sebastian shouldn't be up for about twenty minutes so that gives me more than enough time.

I start by getting both of the chairs from the desks of our rooms and putting them with the back parallel to the end of my bed. I pull the blanket of my bed out and drape the end over the chair making an instant makeshift fort. I put pillows on the bottom and get the macarons putting them in the fort along with the other sweet things I got from downstairs. I put on my pyjamas and text Sebastian, making sure he doesn't get dessert downstairs.

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