Chapter Twenty Four

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'Hear no evil, speak no evil, and you won't be invited to cocktail parties.' - Oscar Wilde

For someone who says he doesn't like cocktail parties, Sebastian likes to stay until he is one of the last ones there. I don't want to leave without him but with us still not being public with our relationship I can't be with him through the night. Even if I could be, I don't think it would be right to do so, I wouldn't want to impose.

We've been to two cocktail parties now in the two nights we have been here. Apart from the venue I hardly noticed a difference. Sebastian introduces me to a group and we all talk for a moment before splitting off. Me usually being kept with the guest circle. The wives, girlfriends, secretaries and even family. When they realize I am here as none of those and I run my own business they seem to get uncomfortable, so I usually get left by the bar, sipping whiskey and watching everything happen around me. I'm like a ghost.

Sebastian spends most of his time with a man called William. I can tell William looks up to Sebastian significantly, he copies his hair style, drink order, I wouldn't be surprised if he got his suits done by the same tailor. Although his hair is blonde, eyes green and is a couple inches shorter, he tries to emulate Sebastian in small ways. When I was introduced to him however, I found out he has a wife which surprised me. At our first cocktail party he told me I'd enjoy meeting her. When we were introduced again at the second, he told me the same, completely forgetting we had even met the first time.

The two men are often approached by a few people, but one sticks out to me. A man Sebastian brushes over talking to but who I overhear is called Hadeon, seems strange, unreadable. He arrives with no one and seems to only talk to very few people. Unlike the other men at these parties, his suit trousers are wrinkled slightly, he doesn't wear a blazer and keeps his shirt surprisingly quite unbuttoned. The fact that he is dressed like that in itself doesn't faze me, but that he is dressed like that here and no one seems to mind does. I felt so much pressure to conform. What makes him special?

Thankfully tonight I don't have to do anything and I can just spend the evening with Sebastian. His dinner plans were cancelled so I ordered junk food room service for when he'd get back from his meeting and I lifted the TV from its place in the foot of the bed frame. I lay in the comfortable bed, enjoying the sheets as I flick through what we could watch together. It's too late to get tickets for anything and I doubt after being so busy it would be right to ask him to go with me to a show. I have a good feeling he doesn't really want to go to any type of show with me anyway.

I sit up as I hear the door open. I smile widely as Sebastian walks in, kicking his shoes off quickly and walking to me, holding the side of my head as he kisses the top of it. I watch him walk to his side of the bed and pull out his suitcase, looking for something.

"What you looking for?" I ask, turning and laying on the bed as I watch him dig through his suitcase.

"Just want to change my shirt, I've been invited for drinks with Willam and a friend." He says, pulling out a white shirt and walking to the full-length mirror, taking off his suit jacket and shirt to replace it.

"Hadeon?" I ask, watching him hide a frown as he hears me say his name.

"No." He says simply. "No, but I wouldn't be surprised if he turns up at some point." Sebastian says, buttoning up his shirt and fixing the collar.

"Want me to come?" I ask, looking at my suitcase, it won't take too long to get ready. "I was hoping to spend the evening with you here but I don't mind spending it there." I say, not wanting to be alone so much I would subject myself to spending time with business people.

"No, it's okay Ali." He says as he finishes getting ready, slipping on different shoes. "It's a guy's night thing." He explains, kissing the top of my head again before opening the door to leave. "Don't wait up for me." He says as he closes the door. 

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