Chapter Eight

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'Surprise is the greatest gift which life can grant us.' - Boris Pasternak

I send photos of the swimsuits I decided not to buy to Sebastian to mess with him. He definitely didn't complain but he was teased as I didn't show him the one I chose. It's a black swimsuit with high cut leg holes, showing my hips. The mid piece is lace and you can just about see my belly button. The bust is fairly conservative but I still look... eye catching.

The night before the retreat Sebastian goes cold, after our phone call he has only been able to text and now he can't even do that. In the morning I put on my black leggings and white tank top, putting on Sebastian's sweater as the morning air is quite cold. With one last text I put my phone in my bag and go to the rendezvous for the bus.

There are about twenty people waiting to get on the small black coach it might be a bit tight but I take a deep breath and smile as I join the crowd; it should be fine.

I get to the man who is putting the suitcases in the bottom of the coach and smile at him. He groans as he stands up and gets his clipboard out from under his arm.

"Name?" He asks.

"Alice Bellerose." I say with a smile, ignoring his demeanour.

"Sorry. You're not on the list." He says, going back to putting other people's suitcases on in the coach.

"But I replied to the email and said I needed transportation. I have no other way to get there." I say, getting nervous.

"If you're not on my list you're not getting on the bus. You could be anyone. Now move I have a job to do." He says. I step back and stand awkwardly behind the others as I think about what to do. I get uncomfortable as the people stare at me, some giving sympathetic smiles but the others have judgment in their eyes. I decide to call Sebastian. It's worth a try and at least I won't be awkwardly standing there, doing nothing.

As I lift my phone out of my bag a roar of an engine is suddenly audible. Sebastian's blue sports car turns in front of the coach and all eyes are diverted from me to the car. They slowly return as they watch Sebastian get out and walk to me, a big smile on his face.

"Apologies, I had to return home to get some things before coming here. I decided to take you myself as my Ingénue. I removed your name from the list. I hope I didn't cause you any problems." He says with a slight smirk.

"My god do I want to kiss you right now." I say under my breath, making him laugh as he takes my suitcase, leading us to his car.

"Now, I've been travelling for an obscene number of hours and I can't drive a foot further in good conscience." He says as he puts the suitcase next to his in the car. "You're driving." He says, throwing me the keys which I barely catch.

"Are you sure? What about the insurance?" I ask.

"I sorted it." He says, walking to the passenger side of the car. I smile and look back at the group now behind me. I giggle happily and get in the car, strapping myself in quickly. I rev the engine once and we're off.

"Wow." I say as I turn the corner, disappearing from the view of the others. "That was amazing."

"There is a truck stop in two minutes, turn in there." He says.

"What why?" I whine as I look in the mirrors and finally settle into the seat. I look at him and he smiles, shrugging slightly.

"Well I am exhausted, the bus won't go by it, I forgot to set the GPS and I really want to kiss you." He says. I look at him and speed up, making him laugh.

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