Chapter Nine

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'We don't grow when things are easy, we grow when we face challenges.' - Anonymous

In the morning I get changed into work-out clothes. Black, three quarter length sports leggings, sneakers and a white t-shirt. I put my hair in a pony tail and I head downstairs to breakfast alone since Sebastian isn't in his room.

"Alice! Over here." Nadia says, waving at me from her table. I smile and walk over. None of the advisors are down here yet so I sit down.

"Hey, you just get here?" I ask

"Yep, I heard a rumour the activities are impossible. Has your best friend said anything?" She asks me, her eyes wide with slight nerves.

"No, but I know that's true. They're supposed to be difficult. To teach perseverance and adaptability." I say honestly. "He hasn't said anything to me; I'm just as nervous." I say with a nervous laugh. I'd feel a lot better if I could at least see Sebastian.

Nadia and I get breakfast and head to the seminar hall. People fill in and at nine exactly the advisors, including Sebastian walk in in work-out attire. I bite my lip as I see him in his black shorts and tight grey sports shirt. He smiles and clears his throat.

"So, welcome to your first activity. In a moment we will be walking just behind the hotel where I will give you your one and only clue. The aim is to simply get to the end where I will be waiting. You can separate but you have to be back here in four hours. There will be red flag posts, don't go outside of them, and that is not a trick, stay inside of them for your safety. You don't have to stay together if you don't want to. There are cameras so someone will be watching at points to watch your progress. Everyone gets a timer and a compass if you want to make sure you're back on time." He says as staff bring in a box of timers and compasses. "Okay, grab what you want and meet me outside." He says, jumping off the stage and heading outside.

After getting a timer and compass we all go outside and behind the hotel. We convene and Sebastian stands further back on the base of the hill so he is slightly taller than us.

"Okay, Grace and Daryl will be following to make sure you're all safe." He says and gets an envelope and gives it to the person closest to him; an older man of the group. "That is your one and only clue. Don't bother asking the other advisors, they know nothing." He says, not holding back a mischievous smile. "Have fun." He says, walking back inside. We circle around the man and he opens the envelope.

"White, it just says white." He says, passing it to Nadia, showing everyone to confirm the weird clue.

"Ha, he said it would be hard." One of the young guys says, pushing to the front and taking the clue. "Clouds, he wants us to get to the top of the mountain. Perseverance from the climb and adaptability from the unknown path; simple." He says cockily. We all kind of shrug and begin walking up.

We stay kind of quiet on the way up. I don't think the guy with the north western sweatshirt is right. Sebastian wouldn't have made it so unpredictable, with the clouds moving constantly they might go. Grace smiles at me when she sees me, probably seeing the thought on my face. I smile and keep following the group as I think.

It's been an hour and north western guy has to rally to keep support for his theory. My legs are burning almost as much as my ears. To be honest I think he is just annoying everyone but no one else has an idea.

"I want to snap a branch off that tree and hit him across the head with it." Nadia mumbles as he starts calling us unfit; probably some weird way to try and motivate us.

"I just want my calves to stop burning." I say, groaning a bit.

"Tell me about it." She whimpers. "I'm going to stop this torture." She says, storming to the front and stopping the group.

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