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| Passing Out |

We arrived at the dance studio straight from school. Jinyoung held onto me while we were standing out front of the library. My hands reached for his arm and held it tightly. We didn't necessarily wanted to break the contact but Donghyun had messaged the both of us about the practice again. Since we had to record a dance studio video of us dancing to the newly produced and composed song. I didn't want to do any of this today, I just want to go back into the apartment and cuddle with Jinyoung forgetting everything that happened.

"Daehwi? Is everything okay?" The lady asked me as I was spacing out.

"Hm? Oh yeah, everything's fine." I replied giving her a big smile to hide the lie.

"Alright, back to the top!" She said and we got into our positions.

As the camera got on, the music started, everyone started to do their moves as we were in sync. We continued to dance along the beat till the end. As the music ends, the video ended with us breathing heavily. The camera cut off, everyone move from their positions to get their drinks at the table. I sat there on the floor stabling my breath. I looked up and noticed the water bottle in front of my face along with a small towel on his wrist.

"Here, you're gonna need it after all." Jinyoung said as he lowered himself to my height.

I refused the water then grabbed the towel to wipe off the sweat on my forehead, neck, etc.. The video was decent, they would of course want us to continue practicing it to make it look good once we get into Produce.

"I'll send the film, alright? You guys continue practicing. Don't overdo it too, we don't want you guys to be sick. Rest if need, I'll let you guys know when you're done." She said as she left the dance studio.

We decided to change it up while she was gone for some time now. They put on a new song that we had to secretly produced together. We did a whole other choreography for it and continued to practice it till it ends. Luckily, when it ended, the lady came back in to just sit in the back watching over us and looking back at her phone.

"Hyung, I think, when it comes to my part, you guys should do something to stand out while you know?" I suggested.

"Something like.. extra?" Youngmin said as he raised a brow.

"Do it for fun." I whispered and he smiled.

"I gotcha." He answered.

We got back into the beginning position and the music starts up again. We all started doing the choreography, when we looked down at the ground. I looked up at the mirror to see Youngmin doing something else as he was the last guy of the row.

When everyone saw that, we burst out laughing, making Youngmin feel embarrassed. At least he enjoyed it, he was laughing alongside us as well. We decided to continue doing it but with different members at the end of the row. I can't do it since I rather stay at the front. When it came to Jinyoung's turn, he decided to do a handstand making a pose. The fact that his shirt met with his face too, his abs were shown from the mirror making everyone feel shock. Even though he did it, we all continued the choreography till the music ends.

We all clapped for Jinyoung who's cheek is now red with embarrassment and shyness. He was scratching his nape not very used to the type of attention he received.

"Seems like he's gonna have my spot." Youngmin chuckled not minding it.

"Sure does seem like it, Daehwi, don't you agree as well?" He asked then looked at me. "Woah, are you okay? You look pale?" He added and rushed to me.

"I-I'm f-fine." I stuttered, suddenly it was getting hard to breath.

"Daehwi? Daehwi!" I heard them shout as I fell to the floor.

I tried to keep my eyes opened, but with my weak body, my eyes were too heavy. I couldn't move, I laid there as my vision blacked out.

So you wanna be strong huh? How can you be strong with that of personal you have? All you can do was receive that, you couldn't do anything alone, let alone harm will do you well.

I listened to the voice that was speaking, I was say something but I couldn't. All I can do now was listen to this voice talking about me.

If you continue to do this, will you ever get stronger? How can you still deserve someone like Jinyoung to protect you.? It's a pity that you have someone like him do it for you but you can't pay him back with anything but money.

"Shut up." I spoke to it now.

With that, the voice had stopped speaking, not one thing was heard. Everything then gotten brighter, I around looking for something then saw someone that I was familiar with.

"M-Mom..?" I said as I saw her figure.

She was walking with a guy, who also looked familiar to me. I was shock at the next thing that I heard.

"Mama! Papa!" I heard my young self running up to them.

"Aha, our Daehwi is really this hyper huh?" My father said as he ruffled the younger hair.

I heard a gun click, I turned beside me and saw the guy holding a pistol aiming at the family. I looked at him and the family. I was seeing my father's face smiling all happily till he saw the pistol. I tried to get the barrel but my hand went right through it.

"N-No!" I shouted, I looked at the family and saw my father defending younger me and mother.

As the gunshot, I tried to step in front of it, the bullet went right through me. The next thing I heard my younger self crying as I heard him collapsed. I was afraid of turning around. But I couldn't help but looked, there it was, my father laying against the ground as blood was lurking out from the back of his fresh white shirt. I collapsed to my knees screaming out in pain as tears dropped.

"I can't even do anything to stop it.. why.. why.." I continued to talk to myself as I continued to hear my younger self and my mother screaming and crying for father.

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