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| Sweet Moment |

"Daehwi.. Daehwi ah." I woke up to hear my name being called.

"Wh-Where am I?" I asked Jinyoung noticing I was outside anymore.

"We're in the school's clinic. The teacher was worried about your absence so he called the main office to ask where you've went. They explained about the cameras and you running up the stairs. Badly enough they saw the two students but didn't catch them because the scene of me and Samuel fighting wasn't caught and there wasn't cameras on the roof." Jinyoung sighed heavily.

"Are you okay?" I asked remembering about his condition before I ran.

"I'm okay, only small cuts, no serious injury."

"Stop lying." I pointed at his hand which was wrapped with bandages.

"Ah this, don't worry." He said moving away the injured hand.

"You should be worrying about yourself right now." He added before rubbing on some bandages that still have fresh blood being stained on.

"Is it that bad?" He only nodded in response before moving the blankets and moved up the shirt revealing a bigger bandage.

"They're something else. It's not like the ones in the old school." He mentioned.

"I know. Like everytime when I'm in danger, they're tougher than the previous."

He only stayed quiet at my statement knowing it's true. He rubbed on my hand then smile at me.

"Scoot over." He said.

"W-What?" I asked not sure if I heard that right.

"Scoot over, I wanna cuddle with you." He repeated with the explanation.


"You don't look to happy nor don't feel safe. I want to do it because three things, we haven't cuddle in awhile, I want you to feel safe, and I want to comfort you. This seemed to be the best way to do so."

"You don't h-have to."

"Too bad, I'm doing it, scoot over a little will you?"

I gave in and scoot over a bit, he climbed in and covered both of us under the blanket. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. He laid his head in the crook of my neck, I can feel his hot breath touching my skin. I was feeling tired again, I moved my left arm and let it lay on top of his arm. I closed my eyes as time passes, I heard him mumbled something but I didn't bother asking since I was already passing out.


"Are you guys okay?" Donghyun asked as we got back to our apartment from school.

"What?" Jinyoung said as he didn't catch what Donghyun said.

"You two, are you guys okay?" He pointed at me since I have more bandages all over my body.

"Daehwi-ssi, what happen to you?" Youngmin said came in seeing my condition.

He rushed over to me and hugged me while rubbing the back of my head. I saw Jinyoung having a blank expression before walking away. Jealousy?

"Yah, Daehwi. Who did this to you?" Youngmin asked again.

"Nothing is wrong hyung. I'll be fine, I just need a lot of rest." I assured him.

"Yah, how can you be fine if you're covered in bandages."

I only smiled at him before doing something cute to make him stop worrying about me. Honestly, doing something cute can make someone freak out, knowing they care about me a lot, why not do it. Youngmin's cheeks turned to a bright pink color and looked away laughing at himself. I decided to walk away from there, I saw Donghyun hiding his face because he did saw the ageyo from behind Youngmin. I laughed at their reactions before heading inside to meet Jinyoung who's in bed already with paper scattered over the blankets.

"School just ended and you're doing more work? Don't you want to rest?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Hm? Oh, this. Just let me finish this so we can have night free." He said while I pout.

I went towards the bed and move a bunch of papers around so I can have room myself. I stacked the paper and set them aside as I climbed inside. I watched over his shoulders as he was working with school assignment.

"You should rest since you received worst." He blurt out.

"I don't want to when you're here working."

"I'll be fine, just rest." He said.

He turned his head and looked at me, our face was only couple inches away. He leaned in closer pecking me on the cheek. He turned away quickly and focused back on his assignment while I look at him confusingly.

"You wanna play that game huh?" I said as something pops up.

I saw him smirk throughout the work when I said it. I laid my head on his shoulder and continued to watch. I tilted my head a bit, when he turned and looked at me, I only smiled.

"Yah, fine." He said gathering all of his work and set them on the table on his side.

He dragged me back down on the bed as he snuggle his head on my neck again. I turned my body facing him, I examined his face up close again.

"This does bring back old times." He mentioned the time in our old house and during Wanna One GO.

"I miss those moments." I stated.

"I do too." He said for the last time before meeting my lips.

I returned the kiss after a second of processing what's going on. I feel his hands going up to the back of my head moving it closer for him to deepen the kiss.


Waking up, Jinyoung was still back hugging me from earlier. I noticed the dark skies outside the window view, looking down at the time. It was near dinner time and I didn't want to miss it since it's been awhile that we had dinner with Youngmin hyung and Donghyun. I held onto Jinyoung's hand before making myself turn to face him. I peck him on the nose and he woke up from that.

"Hm..? You woke up already?" He said as he remove his grip around me.

"Yeah, it's near dinner too. We should eat with hyung and Donghyun again." I added.

"Let's do it." He said as we both got out of bed.

We went to the dining room where food was now being placed. From there, we helped preparing the table together. We discussed about how things should be for the time being till April or May arrives.

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