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| Out Alone |

I was going to stores and other stores to buy some stuff for the others. I stopped by at a convenient store to get myself something to eat and drink. I held onto the bags that was filled with food and other objects that are for the others as a gift. I paid for the food and drinks after picking out what I want. I went to the eating area which was on the front side of the store. I sat there and laid everything there on the counter. I let out a sigh knowing that I can actually rest now.


I grabbed my phone and looked at it to see the notification from BaeJinnie. I unlocked my phone through face id and looked at his message.

Baeby Jinyoungie
Daehwi-ah, it's getting late, do you want me to come get you?

No hyung, I'll be fine. Everything is going well, I'll be home soon okay? Just having a small snack beforehand.

Baeby Jinyoungie
Ah.. okay. Enjoy your food for the time being then, I'll see you soon.

I left him on read then started to dig out the premade sandwich that I brought including a bottle of water. I kept my phone out, playing it as I was eating.


I exit the store with all of my belongings and started to headed home. The streets were empty except for couple cars here and there. I was walking till I saw someone walking out in the middle of the road. The car's horn was being honked as the guy didn't budge to pick up his speed. Not wanting a death scene, I left my stuff and run to him. I pushed him out of the way but it wasn't enough time for me. I looked at the car being hit. I flew a couple feet away from the car, I laid against the concrete trying to surpass the pain. I slowly regained my strength in my injured body. I stood up slowly and limped over to my stuff.

"H-Hey.. do you need to go to the hospital?" The driver said behind me, I turned around to be surprised to see who it was.

"S-Seongwu hyung?" I said stuttering.

"Oh my gosh! Daehwi! I'm so so sorry! Hyung is sorry!" He exclaimed rushing over to me.

He tried to hold onto me but I kept slapping his hands away. I got a bit scared since I was imagining things thanks to the impact.

"Daehwi, what's wrong?" He asked after his hands starting to get hurt from my slap.

"Hy-Hyung.. it's nothing.. just leave me alone for now. Go home to the others." I said in a worried voice then ran away from the scene slowly.

Seongwu continued to called out to me but I ignored it, I looked for the guy from earlier but there was no signs. He must've continued walking on even after what had happen. Ignoring the pain on both of my knee, I walked on till something was bothering me.

Is someone following me..?

I thought about it then stopped, I turned around and see no one. I looked and looked, still see no one. I face back forward again before being met with someone I'm not familiar yet. He grabbed me from the neck holding onto it tightly. I tried to release the grip of his hands but thanks to the car incident, it was still weak.

"W-Who a-are you.." I said in between deep breaths.

"Hands off what's mine!" I heard shouting from behind the guy.

I hit the ground after my neck was free from his grip. I coughed and coughed due to how tight he held it. I looked up to see Jinyoung in the alley way. The moonlight shone on them but on the dark side only showed them. I held on the bag, I stood back up and looked back at the battle scene. One was thrown to the ground while the other was trying to stable his breath.

"Daehwi." He spoke as he walking to me.

That voice, that deep husky voice that I know very well.

"Already seeing you walking away after saving someone's life and look at you being strong with all of that injuries. C'mon, hop on, I'll walk you home." He said.


"No buts, just get on, let your legs rest." He interrupted me.

I got no choice but to get on Jinyoung's back, he held onto me firmly then started to walk from the battle scene. It was a long night after all, I hope Seongwu gets home and not discuss what had happen. I leaned my head down on his shoulder, I was getting too comfortable in the back.

"How did you know I was in trouble.." I asked.

"Didn't you get my words processed in your head earlier? I watched everything, which means I was on the other side of the street. I had to walk all the way around to meet you on that one side." He explained.

"Why-Why didn't you go home.."

"And leave you out in the dark? No thanks."

I didn't comment, I didn't plan to say anymore, I want to rest for the night. Not long after, we arrived back in the apartment, we entered, Jinyoung took the stuff and placed it out in the living room before taking me to our bedroom. He didn't put me on the bed. He let me sat there on the floor, he rolled up my sleeves and my pants to check the wound from the car impact.

"How many incidents do you see yourself in?" He asked.

"Just one." I answered.

I saw smirk before placing pressure on my legs. Oh I wish that never happened, I was yelping in pain when it came to the knee. Most of the spot he touched hurts so much. I had to bury my face into the bed to avoid showing tears just because of how much pain I'm in.

"Almost done okay? The arms aren't that badly injured either." He said while I nodded slowly.

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