Twenty Two

27 3 0

| Self Defense |

"Ah, it's been so long since I last met you. Has it been a month? 3 months?" The student said as he walked over to me slowly.

"Where's your partner? Is he sick? I heard he got in an incident which almost cost him his life." He continued. "Pity that he can't be here to defend you now."

I looked up and noticed his smirk, the smirk with an expression that shows evil. I felt different from what he said about Jinyoung. I got off the ground and faced him with a dead glare.

"Haha, you're trying to scare me now? Ha, don't try me." He laughed before lunging at me.

I moved quickly and watched him hit the ground hard. Ah, the tripping move really does work when someone is running at you without any sense. I was making my way to the door after seeing him laying on the floor confused.

"Where do you think you're going huh?!" He shouted and grabbed my shoulders.

I sensed he was would pull me back and throw me to the ground. I was right, I held onto his hand making him hit the ground before me. I stood back up and dust off any dirt on the uniform.

"Aish, you really can anger someone but you can't even hit that person." I complained and head to the door again.

"You little-" I shut the door and stared at his friends who was staring at me.

"Get him!" I heard the guy shout from the other side of the door.

I only let out a sigh and let him and his friends come at me. I walked down the hall and fight them off. I may or may not have accidentally knock one of them out by letting him smash into a locker. I let out a big breath before looking at the group.

"Yah! You know you're gonna pay for doing that to him!" His friend shouted at me.

"Whatever. Self defense, say I didn't mean to do it anyways." I rolled my eyes knowing I trigger their anger.

I laid my arms waiting for them, they did come with a big smirk on their faces. Idiots, what can I say, it's like what Jinyoung did before in the other school. Wow, I'm really am becoming like Jinyoung when it comes to defense now. After letting them bash into each other and knocking one and other out slowly, they were all on the floor unconscious.

"Stop there! What's going-" The guard stopped talking once he saw the scene I'm in.

"Can I just escort these idiots to the school's clinic?" I said to the guard.

"Okay, I'm gonna need you to write down a report for the cause of this scene. Oh, do whatever I said after taking these students to the clinic." The guard responded.

I only dragged one while the guard carried 3 of them with me to the clinic. The rooms were booked easily because of them. I sat outside in front of the main desk while the guard went behind the desk to grab the report sheets. He handed me the clipboard and a pen with the sheet held down on the clipboard.

"Come in to the office that's down the corner when you're doing writing what happened." He said then left me alone.

I stared down at the paper before making my pen meet it. I write and write for the time being before realizing I was writing a song instead.

"Aish, what am I doing." I chuckled at myself before removing the paper.

I looked back at the lyrics before noticing it was related to Jinyoung. Do I really miss him that much? I shrugged it off and put aside as I went to grab a new sheet.


"Ah, you're finish." The same guard said taking hold of the paper.

He then opened the door and went inside first. I ended up waiting outside for couple minutes before going in. I entered and was stared at imitated by the principal. I do feel nervous and worried of what might happen.

"Is this legit?" He spoke.


"Okay then." He said before looking back down at the report.


"You may go." I only bowed before walking out of the office.

"I see, this was all out of self defense. Though you were honest throughout this whole incident. A simple afternoon detention won't hurt for about 20 minutes right?"

I literally thought I wouldn't be getting any of that. Even though he knows I did this in all self defense. But he did promise to not put it on my school records so I'm fine I guess. Am I not? Ah, I planned to go visit Jinyoung again this afternoon. I shrugged off then headed to classes till school dismissal bell. When that came, I went to the detention immediately. When I entered, I was surprised to see the same group of boys. Why do I feel surprise? Probably because of their conditions, I held in a laughter when I saw some of their faces beaten up.

"Yah, you little-"

"Mr. Oh, sit down and don't speak." The teacher shouted at him.

I looked at the teacher and he signalled me to enter and take a seat. I sat there waiting for 20 minutes to pass. It's boring, obviously, I sat there and stared at the paper where I wrote the lyrics. I had to transfer the lyric to another sheet of paper. I threw away the report paper already. Just staring and reading the lyrics really does let time flies.

"Lee Daehwi, you are dismissed." The teacher spoke up which snapped me back to reality.

I stood up and bowed before running out of the classroom to head to the hospital. I was breathing heavily, I didn't know why I didn't stop running even though I know they can't chase me. I signed in at the front desk before visiting Jinyoung. They instructed me his room directions, I managed to have it memorize by then. I went to his room and stood in front of it, I hesitated a bit before opening the door.

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