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| Patience |

"No!" I shouted for the last time knowing I lost the game.

"Aha! Daehwi, you literally could've beaten me for the 20th time." Jaehwan said adding a chuckle.

"If you weren't so focused on doing cute faces then I really would beaten you."

"So it did work huh?"

"Ain't that obvious?"



I insisted on taking the door, I stretched my body not remembering how long I sat there. I got to the door to see everyone including Donghyun and Youngmin hyung. They all exchanged worried looks before looking at me weirdly.

"Oh! Hyungs- Hey.. what's wrong with those glares..?" Jaehwan said coming behind me.

They looked at each other again thinking if they should tell us the situation. It was decided when Youngmin let out a sigh.

"It's... Ji-" I definitely spaced out.

I know who they were gonna say, I pulled out my phone quickly to noticed the amount of missed calls and messages from Jinyoung. Even some of the messages was from hyungs, Guan Lin, and Donghyun. I stepped back a bit before yelling at myself internally.

"Daehwi-ssi?" I heard my name being called but I ignored it.

I was already blaming myself, the situation he could possibly be in. It was all because of me, if I only did a letter or leave him a message.


"Back off!" I shouted which caused everyone's attention.

I noticed it and felt shocked, everyone's face was shocked too. I also realized tears was flowing, I took the chance and ran out of the house. I don't know where I'm running to, as long as I get away from them, I needed the time alone. As I slowed down to catch my breath, I noticed I was standing in front of a hospital. Siren was being heard nearby, I turned and see it pulling in the ER side. I rushed over to that side to see a stretcher being pulled out and rolled inside.

"Could it possibly be him there..?" I whispered to myself before turning to enter through the front doors.

It was packed with Doctors running around, one heading the ER section and the ICU section. I walked up to the front desk where the nurses would be.

"Hello sir, how may I help you?" She asked noticing my presence.

"Do you have a patient named Bae Jinyoung..?" I asked and she started to scroll through in the computer.

"Ah, he just arrived, he's having a surgery at this time. You can go and wait by the operating room that's up the stairs and down the hall, you should be able to see a big sign that said Operating Room." She informed me.

"Hm, okay. Thank you." I mumbled quietly then headed towards the stairs.

I followed what she directed me, I made it to the waiting area. There was at least 2 or 3 more guardians waiting here.

"Daehwi!" I turned and see Woojin who seemed to be out of breath. "Yah, don't run off like that. I know it seems bad but don't do that or else you would end up in his position." He scolded me as he placed his hands on my shoulders.

I shrugged it off then went to one of the chairs and sat there. Woojin soon came and sat beside me. We waited there for awhile, the two guardians that was there had already was given their news. One was tragic, the other was in relief that their sibling or parent isn't gone.

"Rest now, you've looked worn out right now." Woojin whispered.

"N-No.." I refused, I didn't want to miss the chance that the doctor comes out.

"Come on, you've ran from the house to this hospital. You should at least rest a bit." He explained.

"Hyung no." I told him flat out.

I stood up for a second to go grab a drink or a snack from the lounge. I almost lost my balance but Woojin caught me and lowered me back down to the chair.

"Aish, just rest here okay? I'll get the stuff, what do you want?" He asked.

"Just a drink." I said forgetting the snacks.

"Alright, if the doctor comes out, tell me alright?" Woojin said and I nodded.

I don't plan to anyway, Woojin let out a small smile then proceeded to walk off. I sat there lost in mind, I didn't keep track of time till the door opened revealing the surgeon who is just now removing his accessory. I stood up quickly and watched him come over to me.

"Are you Bae Jinyoung's guardian or have any relationship with him?" He spoke.

"I'm his boyfriend."

"Hm, alright. The surgery is successful, though he took major impact from the incident, he'll still be treated here for the time being."

"Ah. When will I be able to see him?"

"They're now moving him to the ICU, you can go check there."

"Thank you doctor." I said bowing my head multiple times for the news he given.

"No problem, he is a strong guy. He was able to hold on longer." He commented then walked off.

With him going, I left the area still seeing no signs of Woojin. Does it really take this long to get a drink and a snack? If that's the case then I might as well visit the hospital garden. I went to the hospital garden then sat on one of the vacant bench before staring at the tree displayed in the middle. It was big, fully grown, flowers bloomed on the branches, small things that would make the tree look beautiful. Time passes, I looked down at my phone to see messages from Woojin. I left him on ignore then headed to the ICU to meet Jinyoung again.

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