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| Gifts |

So many days passed, months even, my injuries were healed, some stayed as scar. Even though I went to school after that and later days, those two boys even Samuel weren't seen. I worried about Samuel, he was another good friend that I had in Produce season. With graduation coming up, Jinyoung's birthday was near too. I decided to get out of school early, Jinyoung tagged along as well. We both walked out of school grounds and headed towards the mall.

"Where do you wanna do first?" Jinyoung asked as we entered.

"Let's get something to eat first." I answered, with that, we made our way to the food court.

We got to the food court and went to places that we would like to eat. We ended up having to wait a while despite a lot of people here. I don't mind about it really, in fact, I'm used to it. Like waiting a store to buy your stuff at the checkout lines. After a few minutes later, we received our food and proceeded to the tables. It was difficult finding a table with two chairs. Luckily there was one nearby, we went and settle there. Jinyoung handed me a tray and put my plate full of food on it.

"You really like these huh?" He asked pointing out how much I've ordered.

"It's best to eat a lot." I answered smiling at him.

"Hah, alright then. Let's dig in shall we?"


With that being said, we begin to eat our food.


"Hyung! Let's go in there!" I pointed at a jewelry store.

"You gonna buy something or do you just wanna look?" He asked.

"Just looking." I answered.

"Alright go first, I'm gonna go to a restroom." He excused himself and wandered off to find a restroom.

I enter the store and started to look around. Looking through the glass, I was admiring half of the jewelry on display. I found a nice black and gold watch along with a golden ring that could match. Knowing Jinyoung isn't back yet, or probably on his way.

"Uhm.. excuse me." I said calling out to the worker.

"Yes sir? You need something?" She asked coming over to me.

"How much are these two?" I asked pointing at the watch and ring.

She opened up the covers behind to pull out the ring and watch.

"These are 6703480 won sir." She informed.

Knowing I can buy it, I nodded and informed her that I'll be purchasing. She packaged the ring and watch in a separate box before playing them in a bag carefully. I paid her before taking the bag and headed out of the store. I found Jinyoung and he was also holding a bag.

"Hyung, I thought you were coming in late." I said knowing that he went somewhere else.

"And you said that you're just looking around, what did you buy?" He asked back.

"It's nothing. What about you?" I answered and asked back.

"If you won't tell me then mines is nothing." He answered mocking my answer.

We ended the conversation which him laughing at my reaction. We walked around the mall going in and out of stores. Buying some snacks as well before we could leave.


"We're home!" I shouted as we got inside our apartment.

No response nor sound other than the two of us moving around with the bags of snacks and our bags full of "nothing".

"Hyung? Donghyun-ah?" I shouted again and received silence as a response.

"They must be in BNM." Jinyoung said.

"Huh, they would at least leave a message or text one of us." I said remembering they would always do that before.

"Here then if you don't believe me." Jinyoung showed me his phone and show me the text message from Donghyun.

"Wow, why didn't you show me?" I asked pouting.

"Ah c'mon, at least we have our time together now." Jinyoung said.

We walked to our room and drop off our stuff there before heading back out to the living room. We settled on the couch, I ended up leaning against Jinyoung's chest. We watched shows that was being shown on TV.


I grabbed my phone and looked at the message notification.

Eomma Jisung
Congratulations on breaking the world record Daniel!

I got curious when he mentioned breaking the world record. I opened my phone and looked at the chat. It was getting spammed by the other hyungs and Guan Lin congratulating Daniel.

What's going on?

JeoJang Jihoon
You didn't hear about it? Daniel broke the Guinness World Record on Instagram. Reaching 1Mil followers within 11 hours.

Really?! Congratulation Daniel Kang!

"What's up?" Jinyoung asked noticing my smile.

I showed him my phone and he was smiling too.

"Ah, Daniel. Of course he would get it, he do well being the center." Jinyoung said.

I turned off my phone and toss it somewhere so I won't feel or hear it buzzing. I pulled myself closer to Jinyoung cuddling with him.



"What's going on?" Jinyoung woke up moving which caused me to wake up.

"This can go down in my photobook." Youngmin said smiling brightly.

"Hy-Hyung! No! That's embarrassing enough for the two of us!" I exclaimed and started to chase Youngmin around the apartment to take the phone off of his hands.

I jumped onto Youngmin which made the two of us fall onto the floor making a big impact. We both were laughing and was out of breath.

"Ah, you two should be careful." Donghyun said helping us get off the floor.

I took the chance and grabbed the phone, I went to the home screen and went to the photo app. I clicked on the photo album and deleted the picture before letting out a sigh.

"You two were cute when you guys are cuddling together. I can't help it." Youngmin said adding a smile. "Besides, it was the first time we saw you guys like that outside of your own room." He continued.

I covered my face and ran off so they won't see my face turning red as ever. I ended up running into my room and met Jinyoung inside. He was reading a book when I entered, feeling guilty a bit.


"For what?"


"You didn't interrupt anything, come now." He patted the empty space beside him as I approached the bed.

I climbed on and he held onto my hand letting it lay on his cheeks. I couldn't help but to blush from his actions.

"Did they tell you the news?"

"What news?"

"Oh, nevermind."

"Hyung~ please tell me the news.?" I pleaded and to no avail, he decided to be slick and stole the kiss.

"Next time okay?" He said smiling for the last time.

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