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| Awake |

I woke up to see the bright ceiling, woo, the lights here really blinded me. I noticed the ceiling wasn't familiar, not does the feeling of the bed. I felt something on my hand and looked, to my surprised it was mother. The door clicked opened, it woke her up, I looked at the door to see father. I was confused, was I still dreaming?

"I-Is.. this true..?" I asked not believing it.

"Listen, Daehwi, I know you missed me along with your mother." He said as he approached me.

"You have to be tough like me yeah? Fight anyone you can to defend yourself. I know you can do it. You're making me worried because of how weak you were suddenly since my death." He continued.

"How can I be strong when I can't stop thinking about that day? Everything had became my enemy ever since, music was my only way to stop that thinking." I shouted at him.

"Shh, calm down, this is your dream, I can't be here for long. I protected you for a reason, don't let that sacrifice go to waste, because now you're wasting it by getting bullied a lot."

"Wasting it? You know, ever since you left, I was not once dear to people, I was not once left alone without bullies getting onto me, and I was not once being in groups of people with their family because all of them were alive living happily together."

I felt his hand cup my cheek as he slowly rubs on it. I wanted to cry but he would never let me cry in front of him because it would show weakness.

"Daehwi, take my motive, I promise you will get stronger than now. For now, stick with your boyfriend." He last spoke as the light shined behind him.

I watched his smile grew, he ruffled my hair again for the last time before walking towards it.

"N-No! Don't leave me!" I said making him stopped at his spot.

"Goodbye Daehwi, we will meet again soon! Father misses you a lot, don't come rushing to me too, and also tell mother that I miss her too." He said for the last time as he waved back.

He continued to walk then showed a peace sign as the light covered his body making him disappear.

End of Dream

I woke up swinging my head up forward off the bed. With that, I noticed Jinyoung was beside me rubbing his head.

"Oh.. did I hit you?" I asked worriedly.

"N-No, you're fine." He said lying as he rubbed his head more till couple minutes passed.

"Wait, why am I here?"

"Don't you remember? You passed out in the studio when finished doing the position evaluation with all of us." He answered with a worried look planted over his face.

"O-Oh..." It was all I can say, I looked at the door where father had came through once.

Sadness took over my body, I let out a sigh then laid against the pillow. I can feel my hand being rubbed and caressed.

"Is there something wrong? Do you need your time alone?" Jinyoung spoke as I heard the hint of worry in his voice.

"No.. something just happened while I was out."

"Daehwi-ah, I'm worried about you. The fact that you even talked earlier while you were still unconscious."

"W-What..?" I turned to face him, he only let out a sigh before looking at me dead in the eye.

"You mumbled 'Don't leave me.' I can tell you were having a dream, something from that dream must be bothering you."

Did I really said that out loud to the real world, even myself didn't know of course. I looked at Jinyoung with my mouth parted for a bit after remembering that scene.

"Daehwi, I know it have nothing to do with me, but is it something about your family.?" I only nodded slowly.

The door clicked open, I immediately looked over and was disappointed when I see who it was. Damn it Woojin, what a mood ruiner, a dream crusher too.

"I thought you wouldn't visit at all." Jinyoung chuckled as he greets Woojin.

"Why wouldn't I come after hearing about our maknae in the hospital? Besides remember, I'm good friends with Youngmin and Donghyun." He spoke.

Wow, even myself didn't even know about Woojin and his friend lists.

"Besides, I didn't come alone." He added.

I looked at the door as Jihoon and Guan Lin entered the room. I pouted a little knowing Guan Lin didn't go to school.

"Yah, Guan Lin you should be at school." I said pointing to him.

"Wow, even you are questioning about me not going to school. What kind of friend am I to go to school while my friend is sitting here in the hospital bed." He stated.

"I see your point." I said in defeat, the others chuckle from the scenes from us.

"You guys enjoying your new school?" Jihoon asked.

"You can say that I guess." Jinyoung answered.

We all hang around in the room chit chatting to catch up with what's going on. Since we were suppose to go home today. That obviously didn't or couldn't happen because of my state. We chatted and chatted even with the doctor coming in to check my health. Giving us the okay to be discharged, I got myself prepared.


"It was fun catching up with you guys." I said happily as we exit the hospital.

"We could've done better, want to come home with us? I can drive you back to your apartments tomorrow." Woojin offered.

"We can come by tonight. So expect us at least, our apartments shouldn't be that far from the house." Jinyoung accepted the offer.

"Hm alright then. You guys have fun alright? Daehwi, stay hydrated and eat lots okay?" Jihoon said as he and the others bid their goodbye.

For me and Jinyoung, we decided to have a walk around the city before heading back to the apartments. I for some reason wanted to buy something for Jinyoung, Donghyun, and Youngmin. Possibly treat them with food that they'll enjoy.

"Hyung, go first. I want to go somewhere alone." I said to him and he only looked at me debating if he should or not.

"Are you sure? I don't want to leave you around this time too, the night is approaching." Jinyoung answered.

"Yeah hyung, I can defend myself." I said.

"Fine, call me if something happens okay?" He said in defeat.

"I'll see you later baby. Be careful okay, come back home in one piece." He said then pecked my forehead and hold on my tightly before walking away breaking the contact.

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