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| Theme Song |

Waking up early to hear Youngmin hyung, Jinyoung hyung, and Donghyun already putting on the uniforms that was given couple minutes ago according to Donghyun's word. I freshen up and wore the pink colored sweater.

"Hurry up, we are supposed to be at the front doors in few minutes by now. Wear a big coat too, it's freezing outside." Youngmin said.

Of course with that being said, everyone in the room hurried and grabbed their coats. We dashed out of the room to the hallways and to the exit making it outside. When he said freezing I mean by freezing, wearing a small jacket would freeze someone to death. We all ran around the produce 101 grounds heading to the front. Everyone was wearing their hoods, hats, masks, etc. Most of them still have their bed hair due to the lack of time. Their breathing was heavy as well, I would be in their position too since I barely exercise ever since the accident back then.

"Alright trainees, today is the day we will start recording for our theme song, Nayana." One of the male trainer announced as we stood out in the cold.

Everyone yelled out yes in response, they then let us go inside back to the same room where the ranking evaluations were taken. We were divided in ranks, I was with the A ranks obviously. I wished the others good luck as I figured out what would happen for this event.


We were being led down to a new set of hallways which seems like they contained dance studios. I was indeed right, there's always at least 2 in each hall here. We learned the dance to Nayana so we were meant to practice them in these studios. Everyone was separated once again by ranking. As for what I saw earlier, F ranks were struggling, same for D ranks, only some members from C's and B's were struggling.

"Daehwi-ah!" I turned and see Woojin running over.

"Oh my, I forgot you were an A rank too." I said as I brought him in a hug.

"Wow, you forget hyung is in the same rank with you." He pouted at me.

"Chill out, there was many people that got A rank too you know." I said and secretly pointed at the others.

"Come on, let's practice!" He exclaimed.

"Wooenergizer is alive?" I said as a joke.

"That is not a bad nickname.. WooEnergizer. Perfect!" He exclaimed again before meeting with other A Ranks to practice.


The fact that we were all exhausted from the non stop practice, we were suppose to practice on our vocals too but we got caught up in the choreography. The vocal trainer entered and sat his chair against the mirror as we just stood there in front of him.

"Kim Samuel." He called out, Samuel stepped before he began singing.

So far, the results was good except for some, I went up and did my thing. To my surprised, he complimented me alone. He didn't say anything nice to the other trainees but me. I felt bad the fact that I was given a lot of attention by the trainer. After that, he got up from his seat then exit the door. The choreography trainer entered right after him, I was only a bit worried but other than that, I have the confidence to do the dance well. We did the same thing as what the vocal trainer did but we did it as a group.

"Very well, you guys better prove to us right when it comes to re-rank evaluations." She said giving us a heads up too.

"Yes, thank you." Everyone said at once bowing at the trainee as she made her way out.

We ended up continuing to practice the choreography and the other half of us was working with the vocals. There was some of the A ranks struggling with their vocals as they couldn't hit that right pitch. Soon, camera team came in and set up the cameras as we watched them do so. When they left we all thanked them before we try to decide on whos going first.


Videos sent, everyone gone through it very well.. except for some I guess. We had a small pep talk before they decided to get all of us including other rank trainees. We ended up in a room together with everyone. First thing I did was grabbed Seongwu and Woojin's hand to go look for the other hyungs. It's been awhile since we all interact together as one.

"Hyungs!" I shouted over at Daniel and Jisung who was talking to Minhyun and Jaehwan.

"Ah Daehwi! Been awhile since we last talked." Jaehwan said.

"Jjaeni hyung, it's only been two days!" I recalled the day we headed back home.

"Two days.. huh. Whatever! It feels dead when you guys are gone." He pouted.

"Hyungs, where is Jihoon hyung, Jinyoungie, Guan Lin, and Sungwoon hyung?" I asked realizing I didn't see them yet.

"I'm not sure, look around the area. Meet back here if you can find them." Minhyun suggested.

"You guys stay here, I'll go look for them." I volunteered.

"Good luck." Daniel said giving a thumbs up.

I walked around through the crowd of trainees, it was hard to find them despite the big space we're in. I ran into Sungwoon hyung first, he wasn't that hard now that you think about it. He's about a height of Lee Woojin's which wouldn't surprise me.

"Hyung, go to the back corner, the others are there hanging out." I informed him.

"Ah Daehwi-ah, good work on the audition, I'll see you back there then. Thank you." He thanked me then walked down that direction.

I did the same for Jihoon and Guan Lin, for some reason, I couldn't even find Jinyoung. Even though I looked everywhere, still couldn't find him. As I was heading back to the others, a pair of hands covered my eyes. At first, I was scared but then I thought of who it would be. Unconsciously, a smile formed on my face as I heard his chuckle.

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