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| Re-Ranks |

"Miss me?" He spoke up after a second.

"Yes, a lot apparently." I said moving his hands.

First thing was clinging onto him, he laid his hands on my shoulders. We walked through the crowds and towards hyungs once again.

"Man I thought you guys would have run off." Jaehwan said teasing us.

I saw Jihoon and Woojin imitating us about how we were earlier. I did felt embarrassed which would explain why I buried my head into Jinyoung's arm.

"It's good that we are all here again as one." Jisung butt in with a positive attitude.

"I hoped you guys do well." Jihoon said.

"C'mon hyung, you know we would do our best." Gun Lin commented.

"Says the one that dropped out of school after Jinyoung and Daehwi transferred."

"Wait you dropped out?" Jinyoung asked with his brows raised.

"Didn't Donghyun told you?"

We both shook our heads, really though, I don't recall any news about it. Before we can continue our conversation, Daniel, Jinyoung, Jaehwan, and Seongwu was taken away. Jinyoung didn't show any smile or any sign of joy when he was going with them. Say, about those 3, except Daniel. They don't seem to be happy at all, I was getting worried.

"Well.." Jisung said trying to break the silence.

But again, all of them except for me and Woojin were left. Everyone came back out with their new ranks, some dropped some advanced. The ones that wasn't gathered to go back was meant to stay at their current given ranks. I was glad that both me and Woojin were able to stay in A. I found some of our hyungs, they've managed to go up but Jaehwan had dropped. Again, I wasn't able to find Jinyoung when they came back. Though he should've been with the others when they came back.

"Where's Jinyoungie?" I asked blurting out his nickname.

"I thought he had already came out?" Daniel said in confusion.

"I didn't see him then." Woojin commented.

"He was like one of the first person that was called for the ranking. I thought he would be here already? Did he drop?" Seongwu spoke.

"I hoped he didn't." I said with a hint of worry in my voice.

"Go look for your man. He probably dropped down, he must have lost his confidence." Minhyun said looking at me.

"Where would he-"

"Here.." I turned and saw him walking over slowly.

His hands was deep inside his pockets, he didn't spare anyone a look. He kept his head down as he approached us. They were right, he dropped by two ranks getting in F. Guessing how he felt, I approached him bringing him in a hug. I listened to him sob silently on my shoulder. I caressed his back and leaving motives for him to calm him down.

"Jinyoungie, don't worry. It's only a rank, you can improve from that. This is only the beginning that we all will go through it. Don't ball out your emotions now, something positive can come out from this." I whispered in his ear.

His sniffle was heard, he was calming down a bit from my words. I continued to rubbed his back till he pulled away wiping away his tears. I can see the disappointment and shame on his face, he was now wearing a expression that had seemed like he had already given up. He faked a smile, please when he tries to hide his true feelings, his smile would be off telling me that he won't be fine soon. I wanted to scold him for lying, then again, we were surrounded by trainees.

"F Ranks trainees, you may return back to your rooms, trainees who are not in F Rank, please following crew members to your next destination." One of the trainers announced from afar.

"I'll get going, good luck to whatever you guys are doing." Jinyoung said then left to head back to the room while the 10 of us went and followed the other trainees.


The Nayana center was narrowed down to me and Lee Woojin, we both were about similar in height, both were adored by other trainees. For some reason, some F ranks trainees were here enjoying the scene that was happening. After the voting, the center was selected, one I was shocked to be the center though I thought the younger would get it. We had some fun at the end, though I enjoyed it but I feel like something is missing. I saw Guan Lin in his red hat along with the other F ranks. A dance battle occurred, the music played Very Very Very from IOI. There was Jisung in there making it funnier out of the other trainees dancing. I saw BoA laughing from the scene, it seemed that everything was going well for everyone else.

"Lai Guan Lin! Go in to show off your dance!" I heard a trainee shout from behind.

Everyone looked at him and he looked nervous about it. Some of his fellow rank mates couraged him and he came down to the center stage. The music started again, he started to dance, not popping, though he is still learning from Seongwu hyung. The dance battle ended, everyone is settled back down on their seats.

"Everyone had fun right?" One of the dance trainers asked through the mic.

"Ne." Everyone chanted except me.

This may be one of the most fun events we gotten already. I know there's still more to go after all. It was just the beginning, once we were dismissed, I was the first one to exit the room. I ran down the halls heading back to our little rooms. I barged inside and saw Jinyoung sitting against the bedframe staring out. He didn't flinch once when I barged in. I approached him slowly and laid my hands on his shoulders. He snapped back to reality, he looked at me for a second then looked back down at the ground.

"Hyung, is there something on the floor? Is that why you're looking down?" I joked trying to cheer him up.

"Jinyoungie~ c'mon." I said knowing the joke didn't help. "Stop stressing out about this. Let's get ready for tomorrow okay? You can get through all of this okay." I left some encouraging words to help.

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