The meeting

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"Y/n.......y/n........ Y/N!" I automatically jumped and fell off my bed but was brought back to my senses by vigorous knocking on my bedroom door. "Y/N!" I slowly got up from the floor and made my way towards my door and opened it to reveal Yunho my annoying needy brother.

"WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY WANT THAT YOU INTERRUPTED MY SLEEP," I asked him in a clearly annoyed tone. "First of all its 7 pm, second of all why are you asleep, and third of all I'm bored",

"I'm asleep because I was at work all day and I'm exhausted, I also don't care if it's 7 pm, AND what do you being bored have to do with me Yunnie."

"Let's go do something noona." Yunho kept bugging.

"Hahaha..... yeah..... no" I said slamming the door. Did it make him go away, of course, it didn't. No matter how many times I told him to go away he still sat there saying 'NOONA' and knocking, and knocking, and knocking.

Finally, I just had enough of it and got up and went towards the door but I guess he heard me and suggested we go to the club. I was reluctant at first because I'm not the partying, clubbing type, but if it got him off my back I was all for it.

~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~
*At the club*
"Come on y/n just one.....please" Yunho kept pleading with his whiny baby voice that I so loath with every single bone in my body.

"Y/n?!" I said with obvious annoyance which isn't anything new when I'm dealing with the infamous Jeong Yunho.

"Sorry, noona please just one drink please" then he gave me puppy eyes who does that? I finally gave in again because I'm weak-willed obviously. I ended up getting one drink..... apple juice but Yunho didn't need to know that.

He disappeared for a while but I was ready to leave giving it was 1 am I had enough of the pounding music and intoxicating smell of liquor, so I decided to go look for him. After about 20 minutes I found him in the VIP section of all places.


"Noona not now"............

"Noona, huh?
~~~~~~to be continued~~~~~~~

This is the first chapter and I hope you enjoy it. I'm on summer break so I will update soon hopefully and I'm really excited to continue this story.


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