Chapter 3

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"I'm not going."

"Yes, you are, or I swear to God, Vira, I'm telling your mom you ditched class that one time in middle school."

Jaz dragged me out of my house today, saying she wanted to hang out and spend some time during the weekend. That was a lie. She applied for that secretary job without me knowing. Now here we are in front of W.T.H.G. Enterprises for my interview. She freaking pretended to be me on the phone and scheduled an appointment.

"You ditched with me!" I countered.

Jaz rolled her head with attitude. "She's gonna be madder at you than me anyway."

She wasn't bluffing and I knew it, so I unbuckled my seatbelt out of fear. We ditched school that day to buy tickets for the Jonas Brothers with our birthday money. If my mom knows what happened, she's gonna be mad even though that was years ago.

"Fine," I grumbled. "I'll go."

I'm not even wearing anything presentable. It's finally November, so I'm wearing pants with leggings under, a sweater, and a North Face jacket. My beaten up converse don't help at all either. I look so unprofessional.

She smiled, putting her car in drive. "I'll buy us some Chipotle while you're in there."

I waved at her carelessly as I exited out of the car. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Closing the door, I made my way up the stairs to get in the building. I've been all around the city pretty much my entire life and now I get to see this building? To me, it feels like this appeared out of nowhere.

Walking inside, I'm greeted by a young doorman. He opened the door for me with a smile. "Welcome, Your Highness."

I thanked him, ignoring his flirtatious remark. Walking inside, I took off my jacket now that it got warmer. A blonde middle-aged lady at the front desk had her attention on a tablet, scrolling with a lack of care. I cleared my throat to signal her that a guest has arrived.

She looked up, a little annoyed but does a double-take. Putting her glasses on, she gasped once she took a better look at me.

"Oh, my goodness! You're here!"

I smiled. "Mhm. I'm here for my interview with Lucifer."

Yeah, the CEO is definitely named Lucifer. Jaz said it's his pen name since no one knows his last name and he never gave it away. No one knows much about him either. He does hook up with supermodels and is famous for his magazine covers though.

The lady picked up her tablet. She scurried frantically around the desk to be by my side. "Yes! I will take you to him right away! Would you like me to hold your belongings?"


Passing her my jacket and sweater, she hung it in a closet with other jackets behind her desk.

"Follow me," she said with a grin, walking to the elevator. "You may call me Jackie by the way."

We made it to the top floor after taking another elevator. I followed her towards what I guess was Lucifer's office. We walked through two heavy double doors into a large room. A glass wall faced the city. Couches sat in the middle of the room with a carpet underneath, and a coffee table between. A large bookshelf stood to my left and behind the couches sat a single empty table. Probably my place, if I do get this job.

On the right sat the devil himself. Lucifer just so happens to be behind another glass wall, speaking on the phone with his legs propped on his desk. His office looked organized besides the mess of papers on his desk.

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