Chapter 27

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Gluttony: So I'm sitting there...barbecue sauce on my tiddies...

Greed: *laughs on the floor*


I'm not going. I can't go, why should I even go? I'm not even rich enough to go to these kinds of things. People are gonna look at me and wonder why a normal girl like me is there. And it's just a single gala, how many does Lucifer have in a year? I'm pretty sure he has many. I could just go to the next one.

Actually, maybe I'll go, but what if tonight turns out bad? What if Lucifer asks me to dance with him and I step on his feet? What if I do something ultra embarrassing and he never wants to look at me again?

"I'm not going," I told Hades. "It's settled."

"Please go!"


Oh, you gotta be kidding me. That better not be who I think it is. Pickles and Lyla ran to the door, barking like a couple of lunatics.

"Ugh," Hades huffed. "Dogs."

Picking up Pickles in my arm and pushing Lyla back with my foot, I opened the door to find Will standing on my porch.

He grinned and waved at me. "Hey, I'm here to pick you up."

"Um, I'm not -"

"Father said he isn't going to take no for an answer."

Why am I not surprised? Lucifer is annoying even when he's not present I see. Will maintained his smile as I glared at him. My resentment is for his father, not him.

"Fine," I grumbled balefully.

Placing Pickles down, he and Lyla continued to growl at Will. He stepped inside and growled back, followed by Pickles and Lyla bowing down.

"Oh snap," I gasped, glancing back and forth from him to my dogs. "How'd you do that?"

He shrugged. His eyes looked at the entrance of my house with favor and found the small table with some of my family photos. "Dogs just like me."

Pickles and Lyla barked. This time they were friendly, wagging their tails as they ran around Will's legs.

I was utterly bemused. Shaking my head, I smiled broadly. "That's so cool."

"Is this you?" he asked, pointing at a photo of me.

Standing next to him, I picked up the photo. "Yeah. I think I was about two months here."

He picked up a photo of me and my mom, eyes full of interest. I left him to get my stuff. "I'll be back in a sec, have fun looking at my life through pictures."


I think I found the jackpot of all jackpots. Looking at Mother's old pictures made me feel like I'm learning more about her, more about her new life and past life. When my brothers and I were kids, we all wondered how she looked like before she met Father, before she became a Witch.

The guys are gonna be so jealous when they figure out I know what she looked like first.

The twins, Sloth, and Envy resemble her the most. The twins have her brown skin while Sloth and Envy have more of a medium tan. I got my father's looks and so did Pride and Lust. Put Mother next to her four youngest and she'll look like their sister. Put me, Pride, and Lust next to Father and we look like we're his younger brothers.

And I've never seen what our grandmother looked like before. Now I have a whole picture. I wonder why there are no photos of Mother's dad, maybe something happened to him.

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