Chapter 24

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When Virago was pregnant with twins, Lucifer noticed the way her mood changed from hungry to greedy in split seconds. At first, he thought she just needed more rest, but she couldn't rest without food. Virago always wanted a snack or a big meal even when it wasn't time to eat.

Sometimes they liked to share their food. Lucifer lets her take from his plate and she lets him take from hers. However, while she was pregnant and he tried to take something from her, she'd slide her food away and hissed at him saying, "Mine!"

That's when he knew she was going to have twins.

"I know what we're going to name our twins," said Lucifer.

Virago looked up from her plate. "Twins?"

Lucifer nodded. "You're having twins."

"What are twins?"

"That sounds like a disease," Wrath said as he fed Lust who just turned one.

Pride swallowed his food. "I think it sounds cool."

Lucifer caught Virago taking from his plate. He slid it towards her, deciding to eat later.

"You're going to give birth to two babies, Virago. It's not a common thing amongst you Humans."

"So what are we going to name them?" Virago asked.

"Greed and Gluttony," Lucifer announced to everyone. "The one that eats the most will be Gluttony and the one that's, obviously greedy, will be Greed."

Virago smiled. "I like that."

Eventually, Virago gained weight. She ate more than usual when she was pregnant before, especially since she ate while she was bored. Lucifer caught her late at night eating some leftover food she made for Lust's birthday.

"Why are you eating?" he whispered. "You ate something an hour ago."

"I don't know," she replied with a shrug. "I'm tired and I'm just...bored?"

When the twins were born, of course, they were boys. As Calinaigh laid them on Virago's chest, they both reached for each other's hand. The twins both inherited their mother's brown skin.

Virago noticed Wrath was still irritated that he didn't get a little sister again.

"Maybe one day we'll have another girl in the family," Virago said a few days later as she changed Gluttony's diaper.

Pride handed her a new cloth for his diaper and turned to Wrath. "Why do you still want a sister?"

"Because I don't want Mother to be the only girl in the family."

Virago picked up Gluttony and he reached for her hair. Before he could put it in his mouth, she took it away and smiled at a frowning Wrath.

"Wrath, I could have ten boys and I wouldn't mind. Don't worry too much about me, okay? Besides, I'm not the only girl, Cali is part of this family too. She's like your aunt."

"Hrm," he grunted. "Okay, true."

Lust grew jealous of the twins because he wanted to continue to be the baby of the house. As Virago breastfed Gluttony, he came into her room and climbed in her bed.

"Mama! Me still baby?" Lust asked.

She patted her arm so he could rest against it and gave him a warm smile. "You'll always be my baby, Lust."

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