'Author's Ask' (important)

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Hey kamini$

hehe... it is impotent to avoid confusion in the next chapters.

Q.1. Where Did You Get The Idea Of This Book From? BY @elluuz98

Answer-  good question. it was actually from a series of songs : Diana of one direction and superheroes of the script. Also I am into fanfics with sad and depressed Louis, I know it sounds crazy but then again I am crazy!!

Q.2 What Motivates You To Write New Chapters? BY @elluuz98

Answer- well the fact that I have thought about a perfect love story (in my mind) and that I have thought of an even more perfect end motivates me to write new chapters. Also the love I get from some people is heartwarming.

Q.3. Will The Othere Boys Make Part In The Story? By @imaganator4ever

Answer- they sure as hell will. It is just that they wouldn’t be the centre for some time and may not even get that much part but will play an important role. You’ll see in the end!!

Q.4. Who Is Sid? By @imaganator4ever

Answer- okay for now all you need to know about Sid is that she is a hypothetical character with my besties name and my traits. She is portraying the role of Harry’s cousin and Liams sister (*spoiler*).

Because there weren’t any more questions I would like to add some details of my own.

~Louis family: according to me

mom and dad : anne and mark

stepdad and stepmom: dan and sara.

Siblings : real sisters: charlotte and fizzy (I can’t spell her real name!!)

Half siblings : from moms second marriage: daisy, phoebe, Doris, earnest

From father’s second marriage:  drew.

~harrys family: according to me

Mom: anne (single mom)

Sister: gemma

That’s it for now. Hope it was interesting and helpful. If needed ask me more questions, I won’t mind.. Love you all..


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