Chapter 3

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After working with Mr. Lester for three weeks, I've fallen into a comfortable routine with him. We go about our day, working very well, we have lunch together either at his office or we go to a restaurant if we were out for the day, then at six I go home before him. Today though I wished I had been warned that our routine was going to be flipped upside down and turned around today. Waiting for us after getting back from a meeting on one of the lower floors was Selena Mendez. As soon as I saw her, I turned the recording app on my tablet to capture it all. "You asshole!" She screamed at him. I was amazed that the high pitch of her voice didn't crack the glass of the windows. He glared at her, but he didn't raise his voice, "Who let you in?" "What makes you think you can sue me?!" She screamed at him. "Be happy I'm not pressing charges Selena," He told her. I really felt awkward, not wanting to be here while they hashed this out. "Now leave before I have you arrested for trespassing." I knew it was more than a threat, but clearly she didn't care. 

"You have no proof I did anything!" She yelled at him. "You should know to never underestimate me Ms. Mendez," He told her. "I will ruin you Dakota Lester!" She told him. "I will bring down your entire empire!" He chuckled so coldly, that it made me fear for her life, "Good luck Selena." He checked his watch then turned to me, "When is my next meeting?" I pulled it up on my phone, "In thirty minutes." 

"Who is she?" She asked, noticing he wasn't alone. "None of your concern. Now leave," He told her easily. She glared at me, "It's your fault he left me." "It's your own fault," He told her. "Plus why be with you if I didn't love you? Marrying someone you don't love is just a disaster waiting to happen. After I left you, I felt free and able to breathe. I refuse to let you suffocate me anymore. Now leave. The next, and last time, I want to see you is in court." He told her, and we moved away from the elevator as it opened with security coming out to escort her out. She snapped at them to not touch her. Thankfully she left willingly. I stopped the recording and emailed it to him. "I am sorry about her," He said while pinching the bridge of his nose. "I thought I had ensured she couldn't get inside. I'll talk to security." After that he went to his office and I went to my desk. 

Today we didn't eat lunch together. It was strange to me. I had grown used to it. I shook my head as I turned off my computer for the day. He came out of his office, "Good I caught you before you left. I'm sorry I didn't have lunch with you today Lydia. Let's have dinner." Dinner was the most kind of intimate meal a person could have. I then reminded myself about my session with Dr. Schooter. "Um, I have a therapy session in thirty," I confessed to him. He seemed a little shocked for only a second then recovered easily, "Then let me drive you there, then after we'll go get something to eat." I bit my lip nervously, "It's an hour long session. I would hate to keep you waiting." "It's not a problem. It'll allow me to answer a few emails while I wait, now come on." He said, clearly not wanting to just let it go. 

I let him lead me out to his black Lamborghini, surprised he didn't have a driver. He opened the passenger door for me and I got in. It felt like a dream being inside this beautiful machine of masculine power. He drove with an ease that claimed his dominance over the road and the vehicle. We sat in a comfortable silence, listening to T-Pain's Bartender. The only time I spoke was when I gave him directions to Dr. Schooter's office. God I was so damn nervous. It was just dinner, nothing more. Not a date, just something casual. 

"You seem fidgety this session," Dr. Schooter noted towards the end of our session. "Mr. Lester drove me here," I blurted. "A-And now we're gonna go out to dinner, because he felt bad for missing lunch with me thanks to his crazy ex fiance showing up." "Does he scare you," He asked me. I shook my head, "No. I'm comfortable around him. He seemed only slightly shocked when I informed him I had to come here first, but he didn't care. Didn't even try to pry." The last time I told someone I had therapy, they looked at me like I was some crazed lunatic. He didn't though. At least I pray he doesn't. That wouldn't be good for my job. Which I really needed. "This is good. If you start to have a panic attack, then call me. I will be by my phone," He told me. I nodded, "Thank you Dr. Schooter." 

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