Chapter 8

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I woke up at three in the morning. I felt cold and alone. I got up and decided to go get me something to drink to try and chase away the cold. I left my room quietly, not wanting to wake up Dakota. I stood at the kitchen island, drinking a cup of hot chocolate when Dakota came out of the gym room, wearing only basketball shorts, soaked in sweat. "Couldn't sleep," I asked Dakota. He shook his head, "I had a nightmare, and when I have nightmares I work out to burn off the adrenaline it leaves behind. And you?" "I usually wake up at three in the morning due to a nightmare. Sometimes I drink something warm or I look out the window till I'm tired again," I told him. "Every night," he asked me and I nodded.

"Dr. Schooter is looking into some sleep studies to help me. I tried sleeping pills but I didn't like how deep they put me to sleep. He had recommended a not so strong of a medicine, but I refused," I shared with him. "He said sex could help because after a few good orgasms parts of the brain tend to relax to the point it's hard to dream because you're so tired. I asked him couldn't working out provide the same results and he said no. He told me a toy could give me the same results as a man, at least in the orgasm department, but I haven't been able to touch myself. Except for hygiene needs of course."

My tired brain really needs to shut up right about now and stop spewing word vomit. "So why do you need to drink something warm," he asked me, his voice full of understanding. "To chase away the cold I feel when I wake up." I said while looking at the now empty cup. "There are other ways to warm up," he told me. "My bed is always available for you to crawl into. I'll even start wearing pajama bottoms to bed. Can't promise a shirt though."

I gave him a small smile, "Thank you Dakota." He returned my smile before leaving to go shower. I washed out my cup then went back to my room. After tossing and turning I managed to get to sleep.

I was working at my desk while Dakota was on at a meeting. He had been spending a lot of time with me lately and he had work to catch up on. Of course he wouldn't tell me that, but I was his assistant and saw the work he did. The building was still being worked on, but it was safe enough to work inside again. When the elevator opened I was shocked to see his mother step out of it. "Is he available," She asked me. "No ma'am he is gone for a meeting," I told her. She then pulled a newspaper out of her purse and threw it down on my desk. "Then maybe you can explain why you and him are barely clothes, outside." I saw the photo had been taken from one of the windows inside the house, meaning one of the hired workers was getting money on the side.

I pointed to my bikini, "You see this? This is a bikini. You might not be able to wear them given your age, but as a young woman, I work one pretty damn well." I then pointed to Dakota's swim trunks, "This is swimming trunks. Something men wear when they plan to do some swimming." I then pointed to a pool, "This is a pool. If I'm not mistaken your house has three of them, so I shouldn't have to go into explanation on what is, but I can if you need help remembering."

Her jaw dropped in shock and she became completely outraged. "How dare you," She said, practically screeching. "I dare easily," I told her. "Don't expect getting any respect from me when you come in here demanding answers for something that is, for one, obvious to anyone who looks at it, and two, when it's none of your damn business. Your son is a full grown man who can do what he wants, when he wants. You worry about your image and how it makes your family look. It's obvious you feel that your husband and daughter can't be controlled so you try to control the one person who doesn't have his face in the papers for something bad. Well sorry to burst your bubble Mrs. Lester, that's not happening. He is a good man and makes good decisions without your help."

She crossed her arms, "Clearly hiring you and him leaving Selena were very bad decisions on his part." I scoffed and shook my head, "So you would rather him continue to be with a woman who was stealing his money and didn't love him? Doesn't your son deserve happiness?" She glared, "He was happy."

I shook my head, "No, Mrs. Lester, he wasn't. Love isn't picking someone for their looks or money like you think it is. It's something from the heart, and I'm sorry you can't seem to understand that."

"Tell me something, are you sleeping with my son," She asked me. "Sexually? No. I haven't had sex in over ten years. Now I have actually slept in the same bed with him, but there was nothing sexual about it." I shared with her. "However, I would really like too." And I really did. A simple look or touch from him made me feel hot and soaked. I had never wanted someone so bad, and it got worse with each passing day. I just wasn't ready yet.

I stood, "Now if you will excuse me, I need to go run some errands for him." I gathered my purse and tablet before leaving. I sat in the backseat of the car Dakota arranged to have me take me to all of the places I needed to go. I sent Dakota a text about my run in with his mother and how it had gone. I then tucked my phone away as I sighed, leaning my head back against my seat. What's next world?

I got back and went into his office holding his order from Starbucks. He looked up from his computer and smiled. "Thank you Lydia," He told me. I sat in the chair across from his desk, slouching a little as I sipped on my frappe. "So what all was said between the two of you?" He asked after taking a drink of his coffee. "Well, for starters she thinks you can't make good decisions on your own and need her guidance. She thinks you hiring me and leaving Selena was a mistake. Also she asked if we were having sex. I told her no, but I'd love too." He smirked at the last part and I rolled my eyes. I pulled the newspaper out of my bag, "And it was all brought on by this." I handed it to him and he wasn't happy that one of his employees had taken it. I didn't really care. I actually liked the picture of us. It was of us dripping wet from the pool on the patio of me laughing at something he had said and him smiling as he looked down at me. We looked happy, and we were.

"I will have this dealt with," He said with a grumble, pushing it off to the side. "After that, I left to go run my errands."

He nodded, "And how did that go?" I shrugged, "Easy enough. Got some jealous glares, but I guess that goes with the territory of being your girl friend." I had given him a teasing smile and he chuckled. "I guess we can't really keep it quiet anymore can we," He asked me. I shook my head, "It was nice while it lasted." He nodded, "But I want to keep people from getting the wrong idea on how we got together. I want to squash the rumors." I raised an eyebrow at him, "And how do you want to do that?" "I have received a few invitations to go on some talk shows. Of course I don't plan on going to all of them, but I would like to do one," He told me. He then showed me the different invitations.

"Go to Ariel Speel's I love her show," I told him. He nodded, "Then I will arrange for me to be on her show this Thursday while you and Chelsea are out dress shopping." Then he pulls his wallet out, "That reminds me." He pulled out a black card, "This is for you." My eyes widened, "For what exactly." "I asked you to be my date, you can't expect me to let you pay for your own dress," He told me as if it was so simple. "I can pay," I told him. "Since I'm staying with you and you don't let me pay for anything around the house, my generous checks have stacked a little." He raised an eyebrow, "Either you take the card or I will hand it to Chelsea." If he did that then she would make sure the card gets used. I huffed and took it from him. Then I noticed the card had my name on it. "It's so that when they ask for your ID it matches the card and there aren't any issues." He explained when I saw it. Of course he would do that. He had all of my information since I applied to work for him, and he abused it just a little. Knowing his intentions were good, I just shoved the card in my wallet without saying anything. He smiled happily and I rolled my eyes.

"Let me know the time you'll be going on so I can watch," I told him. He chuckled with a nod, "Will do."

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