Chapter 18

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Shit went south. The first two days with Dakota gone were great. I was tackling projects left and right with ease, I had spent some girl time with Chelsea, and I fell in love with the puppy Dakota had gotten me for our one month anniversary. It was a fluffy Samoyed that I fell in love with at first look. She was named Frost, after Emma Frost from X Men.

Then the third day without Dakota came. His face was in every magazine in France, having dinner with Veronica Dubois. She was a business associate who was happily married, yet the media didn't give a shit. They threw accusations of cheating on both sides and other things along those lines. I knew the truth, but the truth didn't sell magazines. On top of that, I had Dakota's sister sitting in front of my desk when I walked in.

"How can I help you Maggie," I asked while hanging my purse up on the coat rack. "I have to say, I didn't think Dakota had a feminine taste," she said as she admired my office. "He didn't design it. I did," I told her as I went to sit behind my large, white, crescent shaped desk that had my triple monitor set up and custom PC. My chair was a soft gray leather that matched the two gray couches in my sitting area and the two arm chairs in front of my desk. On one wall I had a mini bar with a white marble counter that had gray veins that tied the whole room together beautifully, with gray cabinets beneath. On either side of the bar I had white bookshelves with silver photo frames and other various things on it. Not far from the shelves was my sitting area that had my couches, round glass coffee table, and wall mounted TV. The walls were also a soft gray that made it feel warm.

"So what brings you here," I asked her. "Dakota in Paris or Hong Kong," she asked instead while admiring her manicure. I crossed my arms, "I don't see how that is any of your concern." "Well seeing as the mafia and mob are after us, I thought you'd keep tabs on him," she said with a smirk. "Well neither the mob or mafia would risk a hit over seas," I told her. "What makes you say that," she asked with a tilt of her head.

I scoffed, "It's clear your father owes them money. Why would they waste so much for a hit over seas when there are closer targets at home?" I then shrugged, "And given the very tense relationship Dakota has with your parents, they may think it not affect your father enough to give them what is owed, allowing Dakota to stay safe."

She raised a brow, "You seem pretty confident about that." I shook my head, "Its not confidence, its hope. I hope he stays safe. I hope they leave him alone. I hope this ends soon without bloodshed." She studied me for a while before standing. She left without saying anything, simply throwing her hair over her shoulder as she walked out.

I sighed, can this day get any worse? Knowing my luck, it can.

At lunch Dylan walked into my office while I was on Skype with Dakota. "Well if it isn't my ugly doppelganger," Dylan said smirking at the screen. Dakota rolled his eyes. "Please tell me you didn't come here to harass my girlfriend," Dakota said with a sigh. "She already had to deal with Maggie, she shouldn't have to deal with you too."

Dylan threw his arm around my shoulders, "I'm not harassing her. I'm asking her to come with me to the Star Gaze Gala as my date to keep away all the unwanted attention." "So basically you're asking to be able to harass her for hours on end," Dakota stated. Dylan seemed to think about it for a moment before nodding, "Yes."

Dakota looked at me, "Its up to you." I looked at Dylan, "Sorry, I'm going to have to decline your invitation." His jaw dropped, "But why?" "Because I'm not gonna risk it," I told him. The Star Gaze Gala was a gala full of celebrities who have never heard the word 'no' before. Especially when it comes to having sex. Plus I know for a fact Selena was going to be there. "Risk what," Dylan asked while sitting on my desk. "Baby mama drama, since I know Selena will be there." I told him, not including my biggest reason. "Plus I don't want one of these floating around about me cheating on Dakota." I said while holding up the newspaper I picked up this morning. Dylan sighed, "Then who else do I take that's not gonna try and have sex with me?" "Why don't you do what my friend Chelsea does," I suggested. "She wears a fake engagement ring and keeps the majority away with ease."  He sighed, "Tried that. Didn't work." I shrugged, "Sorry bud, don't know what to tell you then." He groaned, "Dakota, your girlfriend is a meanie." Dakota gaze him a look of confusion, "I'm sorry?"

I burst into giggles as Dylan groaned again, this time pouting. I rolled my eyes, "You're such a big baby." His phone then began to ring, "Duty calls." He got off my desk then left my office. Dakota chuckled, "Sorry my family keep intruding on you." I smiled softly, "Its okay."

"Now let's get back to what we were talking about before he intruded. When's the last time you saw Cody," He asked while becoming serious. "Around the anniversary of when it happened last year," I told him with a sigh. "Richie already knows to be on the lookout for him."

"I want you to tell me immediately if you see him," He told me. I nodded and sighed, "I just this all to be over. Maybe if he is behind bars or dead, my nightmares and fears won't be so bad. Maybe they'll even become a rare thing I have to deal with." I ran a hand through my hair, "How did you make it so it was rare for you?" He seemed to debate for a moment on whether or not he should tell me. Before I could tell him to forget about it, he spoke. "I got into BDSM," He confessed to me. "Before you jump to conclusions, it's more than just sex. It's a full control exchange relationship that is built on trust and communication. I need to have control. It gives me peace knowing that I control the situations in my life. Those who submit do it, because it gives them peace knowing they don't have to worry about anything. In return they thank their dom by serving their dom. The submissive lays out all of the guidelines, and the dom can do whatever they wish while in those guidelines. I've come across many relationships where it's rare they ever have sex, and even then it doesn't get kinky like you may see online. I do enjoy the toys and such, but with you, I'm ready to give all of that up." He ran a hand through his hair. "The night I went out and drank because I found out Selena was pregnant, it was because I had lost control of the situation, and I lost control of myself. It was a moment I was weak and I didn't trust you to see me like that. For that I am sorry. I want you to see me as someone who is strong enough you can give your worries too, give your life too, and know that it's going to be okay. Currently, I don't have much control in my life, but I control it where I can. Like for instance, not letting you spend your own money because it lets me know you are being taken care of and you don't have to settle for something cheap because you deserve the best. Our protection as well as Dylan's is another thing that I am able to control that gives me peace of mind. I don't want you to think that I'm some crazed control freak, because I'm not. This is just who I am."

I stayed silent, not knowing what to say. What do you say?

"I want you to look into it. I'll send you some links that are places filled with nothing but facts, and then I want your honest opinion. I would like for us to have that kind of relationship, but if you don't, then I'm ready to give it all up for you," He told me. This man was laying his whole life down for me, letting me choose how our relationship goes. He just confessed to me, he likes having control, yet here he is, giving me control. I nodded, "I'll look into it." A small smile lifted his lips and hope lit up his eyes. I was terrified, but I trusted him. So for him, I will look into it.

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