Chapter 11

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I stood in front of the mirror wearing the dress I picked out for the fundraiser. My pink hair was up in an elegant way, and I was just having trouble picking out the right jewelry. There was a knock on the door. "It's open," I called out. Dakota came in wearing a tuxedo, looking too good. He stopped in the doorway, "Woah." My face felt warm and I looked down as I smiled softly.

"I, uh, came to give this to you," he stumbled softly while holding out a present. "You look really beautiful." "Thank you," I told him. "You look really good too." He then held out the gift, "I wanted to make sure you wore something in every piercing," He said while holding it out. My eyes widened when I opened it. Diamond and stainless steel earrings meant for every piercing in my ear. "D-Dakota," I tried but he kissed me when I looked up at him. "You're welcome," He whispered against my lips. "Now put them on and let's go."

He backed away with a smirk and I was left in a daze. What was this man doing to me?

He stood and watched as I put in each one. He had a soft smile as he did and it made me feel self conscious. When I was ready I grabbed my clutch and we left. The music hall was filled with finely dressed men and women mingling. Dakota kept an arm around my waist, keeping me close. "Will you be okay," I asked him softly, noting how clustered we all were in the lobby. "I'll be fine with you by my side," He whispered while kissing my cheek.

I smiled and then he stood straight and turned on the charm. It felt right as we worked our way around the music hall. I played the smiling trophy girlfriend as he talked business, smiling so much my face hurt. Then we ran into my parents. I felt my heart constrict. I then saw Romeo.

He smiled when he saw me, "It's nice to see you Lydia." He had ginger hair and bright green eyes. He had a very nice jaw line and high cheek bones. He carried himself with a cockiness he clearly learned from our parents. I nodded, "It's good to see you too Romeo." I refused to look at them, and I could feel their glares buring a whole into me. Romeo turned to Dakota, and they shook hands. "Its good to see you again Dakota," Romeo said. Dakota nodded, "Likewise."

Romeo and Dakota talked about business until my mother interrupted. "Why are you here," she asked me, her voice full of disapproval. "Because I came to support my boyfriend," I told her. I cursed myself that my voice wasn't strong. She scoffed, "Really?"

"Oh that's what I said when I found out," Dakota's mother said when she showed up. Time to make shit worse, I thought. My mother nodded in agreement, "Selena was a much better choice for Dakota. She had looks and so much more to offer." I noticed Dakota's jaw clench, as did Romeo's. As they spoke, I heard Dakota's words from the other night in the car. Will I ever be good enough for anyone?

Their judgemental comments began to circle around and around in my mind like a whirlwind. When it became time to take our seats he held me close. "Breathe Lydia," he whispered to me. "Everything they said is a load of crap. You are perfect for me."

I rested my head against his shoulder, my eyes closed as I try to calm myself. When the lights dimmed and the music started, I opened my eyes and I lifted my head. He laced his fingers with mine and I relaxed in my seat.

When Marcis began to play I had to admit, I was impressed. He was perfect, except his emotion was weak. Granted the piece was complex and no easy feet for anyone to master. It took me days upon days of practicing till my fingers bled to master it. Of course when I asked to play for my mother, she refused to listen. Like always.

I pushed bad thoughts away, needing to focus. This was Dakota's night, meaning I needed to be in a good mindset for him. After the performance we all gathered in a large ball room where tables were set up for dinning. Thankfully there were assigned seats, all done by Dakota himself.

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