Chapter 7

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I sat at the restaurant nervously, waiting for Chelsea. I had finally broken down and wanted my best friend back so I called her up and told her to meet me for lunch. I wanted to work past this with her and I feel we can. I smiled softly when I saw her and she sat down across from me. She put major effort into her looks and I could tell she hasn't been sleeping well.

"You're makeup looks amazing, but you look like shit," I told her. She gave me a sad sigh, "I've just felt so bad about how things ended with us. You're my best friend and I said some horrible things to you. I've spent the last two weeks thinking about what you said, and you were right. I'm sorry for blaming you when it wasn't your fault. You're my best friend, my sister, and I said some horrid things." I took her hand, "I forgive you Chelsea. I know we can work past all of this."

She smiled brightly, looking ten times better. "Awesome. So how are you and Dakota doing?" She asked me. I blushed, "Uh, we're together." She squealed, "Oh I'm so happy for you!" I shushed her, "Right now we're keeping it quiet. We want to be able to spend time with each other before the flies find out and are all over us with their cameras." She covered her mouth as she danced in her chair with excitement. "I want to know everything," she said. It was like old times then. I told her about everything that's happened since the fight between us and she hung on my every word.

"We need to go dress shopping," she said as we were walking out as Dakota pulled up. "Find you a gown that will make Dakota die from how drop dead gorgeous you are," She said and I rolled my eyes as I blushed. Dakota got out of his car and came over to us. "I take it everything went well," he said with a small smile. Chelsea smiled, "Not as well as things are between you two." Dakota chuckled, "So I take it I have your approval?" Chelsea nodded, "You are much better for her, than I am." Chelsea kissed my cheek, leaving a lipstick mark, "I'm gonna get better, you'll see. Let me know when we'll go dress shopping, we'll make a day of it. Mani pedis, and if your boss let's you, go back to that beautiful pink hair you used to make look so beautiful."

"Pink hair," Dakota asked with a raised eyebrow. Chelsea pulled up a photo on her phone, "She rocked many different colors, but pink became her thing until she got professional jobs." Dakota gave an approving nod, "I love your hair however you want it, but I do approve of this. It's very flattering on you." Chelsea smirked, "Very smooth Mr. Lester." "Thank you Dr. Bernstean," He said. I was happy to see them getting along.

When Perkins showed up to pick up Chelsea, Perkins looked me over. "I see you're not in the looney house yet," he stated. Chelsea and Dakota straightened. I gave Perkins a smirk, "I would be severely careful if I was you." "Is that a threat," he asked me. "No, it's  a promise," Chelsea told him, crossing her arms. "You told me she's washing her hands of you. When you told me that, I was happy for you baby. It's wrong, but you nearly died of starvation when she nearly killed herself of alcohol poisoning two years ago. Let's not mention the time she cut her wrist so deep she nearly bled out on the bathroom floor. You were there to help her when she fell, but it was I to help you when you fell because of her."

"That was four years ago," Chelsea told him. "Perkins let me introduce Lydia's boyfriend, Dakota Lester." Perkins scoffed, "Boyfriend? Are you serious?" "Oh very serious Perkins," I told him. "Did Chelsea tell you why we fought?" "Not really, no," Perkins said. "Because you wouldn't let," Chelsea threw out.

I smiled, "Its because I'm better Perkins. Chelsea was just upset I wouldn't go out with her but I had no problem going out with him. That's because I don't like you or those obnoxious idiots you call friends. She was upset, and it blew up."

Perkins went to touch her but she moved away, "Don't touch me you shit head. You have no right." "Baby," he said. She shook her head and began to walk away. Perkins went to go after him, but then Dakota stepped in front of him. "You have no right to go after her," Dakota told him. Perkins hit him, then Dakota slammed his fist into his face, knocking him unconscious.

"Are you okay," I asked Dakota. "He had no strength in it," He told me. "Why did you let him hit you," I asked him. "So, legally, I could hit him back and he wouldn't be able to press charges since he threw the first punch," he said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes. "Now let's go get Chelsea."

We went after Chelsea and found her standing, texting on her phone. I threw my arm around her shoulders, "Come on let's go." She raised an eyebrow at me, "Go where?" "I was thinking we get me some ice for my fist," Dakota threw in. Chelsea and I burst into giggles and agreed.

At the house Chelsea and I sat in the livingroom drinking ice tea, "So is your apartment okay after the storms?" She shook her head, "A tree branch was thrown through the window, the place ended up flooded. I'm really happy neither of us were there. But it just so happens two days ago, I was asked to go on a book tour for my latest book. It'll be a good use of my time while waiting for my apartment to be repaired."

"That sounds like fun," I said feeling really excited for my friend. "Where will you be going?" "My publisher is working out the details as we speak," Chelsea told me showing her own excitement. "But I will be home in time for Christmas."

We then continued to talk about other things until she had to leave to go have dinner with her publisher. I found Dakota in his office, working as usual. "Chelsea leave," he asked me. I nodded, "Yep. How's your hand?" "It'll be fine," He said to me. I smiled and sat in a chair across from him, "So are you okay with me dying my hair pink?" He nodded, "I'm more than okay with it Lydia. To be honest, I love the idea of you expressing yourself. You are meant for high society like myself, but you are also a woman who is different. And I like different."

I smiled, "You're much different than most billionaires. Most want trophy wives, while you want something real. That makes you better than all of them." He smiled, "A smart and beautiful woman once told me to think with my heart and not my head." I giggled, "That smart and beautiful woman sounds like a very intelligent person."

He chuckled with a nod, "That she is."

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